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Senior Survey Committee (for selection of science themes for L2 and L3 missions)

Senior Survey Committee (for selection of science themes for L2 and L3 missions)

The Director of Science and Robotic Exploration has appointed a Senior Survey Committee (SSC), composed of internationally recognized scientists whose expertise spans a broad domain, to advise him on the definition of the science themes and questions to be addressed by the L2 and L3 missions.

In September 2013, the SSC will attend an open workshop on science themes for the L2 and L3 missions at which proposers of the new themes have been invited to present their ideas. The SSC will meet with, and exchange views with, the Space Science Advisory Committee (SSAC). In addition, the SSC may seek further clarifications from the White Papers spokespersons and is also free to seek additional views on the science questions proposed by consulting with additional members of the scientific community.

In October 2013, the SSC is expected to recommend the two science themes that should be addressed by the L2 and by the L3 launch opportunities. Based on the SSC recommendation the Director of Science and Robotic Exploration will make a proposal to the Science Programme Committee (SPC), who will be invited to select the themes at their meeting in mid-November.

Senior Survey Committee Membership

C. Cesarsky SSC Chair
W. Benz SSAC Chair
S. Bertolucci CERN
Th. Encrenaz Meudon, France
R. Genzel MPE, Germany
J. Spyromilio ESO
J. Zarnecki Open University, United Kingdom



Last Update: 1 September 2019
30-Mar-2025 11:06 UT

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