Asset Publisher



Recent publications of the detectors and optics group:

Owens et al 1999: The X-ray response of Epitaxial GaAs (appeared in J.Appl Phys, 85, 7422, 1999)

Owens et al 1999: Synchroton Characterisation of Deep Depletion Epitaxial GaAs detctors (appeared in J.Appl Phys, 86, 4341, 1999)

Verhoeve et al 2000: Development of Distributed Readout Imaging Detectors based on Superconducting Tunnel Junctions for UV/Optical Astronomy (to appear in SPIE Proceedings)

Martin et al 2000: Matrix readout for superconducting tunnel junction arrays (to appear in Proc SPIE, Vol 4008)

Brammertz et al 2000: Modelling the energy gap in transition metal/aluminium bilayers (to appear in Proc 6th Twente Workshop on Superconducting Elements)

Owens et al 2000: Development of compound smiconductors for planetary and astrophysics space missions (to appear in SPIE Proceedings 4012)

Owens et al 2000: The hard X-ray response of epitaxial GaAs detectors (to appear in Nuclear Instruments and Methods A)

Owens et al 2000: On the development of compound semi-conductor thallium bromide detectors for astrophysics (to appear in Nuclear Instruments and Methods)

Rando et al 2000: Infra-red filters for High Responsivity Cryogenic Detectors (To appear in LTD-8 proceedings)

Rando et al 2000: First astronomical results from S-Cam (to be published in Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods, LTD-8 proceedings)

Rando et al 2000: S-Cam2. Performance and initial astronomical results (To appear in Proc SPIE/ATI 2000 Vol 4008)

Hartog et al 2000: The lateral proximity effect and long-range energy-gap gradients in Ta/Al and Nb/Al Josephson junctions (to appear in Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors)

Hartog et al 2000: An X-ray photon-counting imaging spectrometer based on a Ta absorber with four superconducting tunnel junctions (to appear in Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors)

Hartog et al 2000: Distributed Read-Out Imaging Devices for X-ray Imaging Spectroscopy(Proc SPIE Vol 4012 2000)


References to older publications (largely STJ-based)

Older publications of the detectors and optics group:

On the development of a superconducting tunnel junction camera for ground-based optical astronomy
Rando, N., Peacock, A., Andersson, S., Collaudin, B., Gondoin, P., Verveer, J., Verhoeve, P., Goldie, D.J. & Hart, R. 1998, Proc. SPIE 3435 (in press)

Superconducting Tunnel Junction Detectors for Optical and UV Astronomy
Jakobsen, P. 1998, in Ultraviolet-Optical Space Astronomy Beyond HST, eds J. A. Morse, J. M. Shull, & A. L. Kinney, ASP Conf. Ser. (in press)

NbN-Nb-Al Superconducting Tunnel Junctions as photon counting detectors
Rando, N., Verhoeve, P., Poelaert, A., Peacock, A. & Goldie, D.J. 1998, J. Appl. Phys. 83, 5536

Single photon detection at visible & X-ray wavelengths with Nb-Al Superconducting Tunnel Junctions
Verhoeve, P., Rando, N., Peacock, A., van Dordrecht, A., Poelaert, A., Goldie, D.J. & Venn, R. 1998, J. Appl. Phys. 83, 6118

Developments in Superconducting Tunnel Junctions for the Ultraviolet, Optical & Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Martin, D. D. E., Peacock, A., Verhoeve, P., & Rando, N. 1997, presented at Workshop on Superconducting Electronics, Berlin, June 1997

Superconducting tunnel junctions as detectors for extreme ultraviolet astronomy
Peacock, A., Verhoeve, P.,Bavdaz, M., den Hartog, R., Perez, D., Poelaert, A. & Rando, N. 1997, Proc. SPIE 3114

Tantalum based Superconducting Tunnel Junctions as photon counting detectors in the UV to the near infrared
Verhoeve, P., Rando, N., Peacock, A., van Dordrecht, A., Bavdaz, M., Verveer, J., Goldie, D. J., Richter, M. & Ulm, G. 1997, in Proc. of LTD-7, Munich 1997 (ISBN 3-00-002266-X), p97

Development of an optical cryogenic camera based on superconducting tunnel junction arrays
Rando, N., Andersson, S.,Collaudin, B., Gondoin, P., Verveer, J., Verhoeve, P., den Hartog, R., Venn, R., Salmi J. & Peacock, A. 1997 Proc. of LTD-7, Munich 1997 (ISBN 3-00-002266-X), p101

Infrared photon induced noise in detectors for photons & particles
le Grand, J. B.,Mears, C. A., Labov, S. A., Jakobsen, P., Verhoeve, P., Bavdaz, M. & Peacock, A. 1997, Proc. of LTD-7, Munich 1997 (ISBN 3-00-002266-X), p106

Recent developments in superconducting tunnel junctions for ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared astronomy
Peacock, A., Verhoeve, P., Rando, N., Erd, C., Bavdaz, M., Taylor, B. G. & Perez, D. 1997, Astronomy and Astrophysics Suppl. 127, 497

Superconducting tunnel junctions as photon counting detectors for the infrared to the ultraviolet
Verhoeve, P., Rando, N., Peacock, A., van Dordrecht, A., Poelart, A., Goldie, D. J. & Venn, R. 1997, IEEE Trans. on Supercond., 7, 3359

Superconducting tunnel junctions as detectors for ultraviolet, optical and near infrared astronomy
Peacock, A. Verhoeve, P., Rando, N., Perryman, M. A. C., Taylor, B. G. & Jakobsen, P. 1997, Astronomy and Astrophysics Suppl. 123, 581

On the detection of single optical photons with a superconducting tunnel junction: A significant advance in the development of future detectors for astronomy
Peacock, A., Verhoeve, P., Rando, N., van Dordrecht, A., Taylor, B. G., Erd, C., Perryman, M. A. C., Venn, R., Howlett, J., Goldie, D. J., Lumley, J. & Wallis, M. 1997, Journal of Applied Physics 81, 7641

Single optical photon detection with a superconducting tunnel junction
Peacock, A., Verhoeve, P., Rando, N., van Dordrecht, A., Taylor, B. G., Erd, C., Perryman, M. A. C., Venn, R., Howlett, J., Goldie, D. J., Lumley, J. & Wallis, M. 1996, Nature 381, 135

The astronomical potential of optical superconducting detectors
Perryman, M. A. C., Peacock, A., Rando, N. & Verhoeve, P. 1996, in Advances in Astronomical Instrumentation, Proc. JENAM-95, M. Rodono (ed), Experimental Astr. (in press)

Detection of optical photons with superconducting tunnel junction detectors
Rando, N., Verhoeve, P., van Dordrecht, A., Peacock, A., Perryman, M. A. C., Andersson, S. & Verveer, J. 1996, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics #Research A370,85

Photon counting from visible to X-ray wavelengths with Nb/Al superconducting tunnel junctions
Verhoeve, P., Rando, N., Peacock, A., van Dordrecht, A., Goldie, D. J. & Venn, R. 1996 , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics #Research A370,78

Optical photon detection using superconducting tunnel junctions
Perryman, M. A. C., Peacock, A., Rando, N., van Dordrecht, A., Videler, P. & Foden, C. L. 1994, in Frontiers of Space and Ground-Based Astronomy, W. Wamsteker et al. Eds., Kluwer, p.537

UV to IR photon detection using superconducting tunnel junctions
Rando, N., Peacock, A., Perryman, M. A. C., Hübner, P., van Dordrecht, A., Videler, P. & Lumley, J. 1993, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 93,659

Optical photon counting using superconducting tunnel junctions
Perryman, M.A.C., Foden, C.L., & Peacock, A. 1993, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A325,319

A new approach to optical photon detection
Perryman, M.A.C., Foden, C.L., & Peacock, A. 1992, in proceedings of ESA Symposium on Photon Detectors for Space Instrumentation, ESA SP-356, p.21

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