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S-Cam 2: performance and initial astronomical results

S-Cam 2: performance and initial astronomical results

Publication date: 16 August 2000

Authors: Rando, N., et al.

Journal: SPIE Proceedings - Optical and IR Telescope Instrumentation and Detectors, Masanori Iye; Alan F. Moorwood; Eds.
Volume: 4008
Page: 646-656
Year: 2000

Copyright: SPIE

S-Cam is a cryogenic camera for ground based astronomy designed around a 6x6 array of Ta-Al Superconducting Tunnel Junctions (STJs). The camera has been conceived as a technology demonstrator, aiming to prove the potential of this new generation of single photon counting detectors at a ground-based telescope as a possible precursor to space based applications. Following a first test campaign at the William Herschel Telescope in La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain), an improved version of the camera (S-Cam 2) has been developed and tested. In this paper we provide an overview of the latest camera performance, a description of the up-dated S-Cam 2 system and a summary of the main test results. An example of the novel astronomical data obtained during the second test campaign conducted in December 1999 are also shortly described.

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