Distributed Read-Out Imaging Devices for X-ray Imaging Spectroscopy
Publication date: 16 July 2000
Authors: den Hartog, R., et al.
Journal: SPIE Proceedings - X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions III, Joachim E. Truemper; Bernd Aschenbach; Eds.
Page: 237-248
Year: 2000
Copyright: SPIE
We present an experimental study of the performance of Distributed Read-Out Imaging Devices (DROIDs), 1- and 2- dimensional photon-counting imaging spectrometers, based on Ta/Al-based STJs placed on a Ta absorber. Results obtained with highly collimated illumination with 10 keV X-ray photons clearly demonstrate the imaging capabilities of 2-dimensional DROIDs. The derived spatial FWHM resolution is 7 micron for a 200 x 200 micron² absorber. With a 1-D DROID we have measured an intrinsic energy resolution of 15 eV FWHM for 6 keV photons. At high energies (E > 6 keV) the resolution is limited by spatial fluctuations in the qp recombination rate.
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