High-resolution x-ray spectra measured using tantalum superconducting tunnel junctions
Publication date: 23 June 1998
Authors: Verhoeve, P., et al.
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics
Volume: 72
Issue: 25
Page: 3359-3361
Year: 1998
Copyright: American Institute of Physics
The spectral response of a 100 x 100 micron² tantalum based superconducting tunnel junction to 5.9 keV x-ray photons from a 55Fe source has been studied. In full illumination the energy resolution for the Mn Kalpha line complex is 56 eV, dominated by spatial nonuniformity in the response of the detector. When illuminating selectively a 5-10 micron diam spot in the center of the detector, the energy resolution improves to 22 eV, corresponding to 15.7 eV for the individual Mn Kalpha 1 and Mn Kalpha 2 lines. This exceeds the predicted theoretical energy resolution of 7.3 eV for this type of device by only a factor of ~ 2.
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