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Mini-STEP: A Minimal Satellite Test of the Equivalence Principle Experiment

Mini-STEP: A Minimal Satellite Test of the Equivalence Principle Experiment

Publication date: 15 November 1996

Authors: Swanson, P.N.

Journal: Classical Quantum Gravity
Volume: 13
Issue: 11A
Page: A143-A147
Year: 1996

Copyright: Institute of Physics and IOP Publishing Limited

The Mini-STEP concept was conceived from a desire by NASA to reduce the cost of the satellite test of the equivalence principle (STEP) experiment below that of the already downsized Quick STEP concept. The goal was for the total cost, including payload, spacecraft, launch vehicle, reserves and operations, to be in the 50 million US dollar range. Stanford University and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory studied this simplified STEP concept between March and June 1995. A similar concept was developed in parallel by the European Space Agency (ESA) as an alternative to the M3 STEP mission.

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