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CDF Study Report: Assessment of a Jovian Moon Flyby Mission, CLEO-I

CDF Study Report: Assessment of a Jovian Moon Flyby Mission, CLEO-I

Publication date: 01 May 2015

Page: 1-198
Year: 2015

Copyright: ESA

Document reference: CDF-154(D)

This document is the assessment study report for CLEO/P, a Jovian moon flyby mission that could be part of the NASA Clipper mission.

As the junior partner to the Clipper mission ESA are considering a potential mission of opportunity that could be considered by the science community in future mission proposals, to either carry out fly-bys of the Jupiter Moon Io — the subject of this study — or Europa, or possibly to impact Europa — the subject of a separate study.

This particular study was performed to formulate a small satellite (250 kg) concept. The main premise was to have this small satellite attached to Clipper during launch and interplanetary transfer and released by Clipper once it arrived at the Jovian system. Full details are available in the report.

The report has been prepared by the ESA concurrent design facility.

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