Blow-up of area around GRB 980425 (enlarged version)

Date: 27 June 2000
Depicts: ESO 184-G82, GRB 980425, SN 1998bw
Copyright: ESA, Stephen Holland (Danish Centre for Astrophysics with the HST), Jens Hjorth, Johan Fynbo (University of Copenhagen)
This is an enlargement of a combined image obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) onboard the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope through a clear filter (shown in blue) and a red filter (shown in red). The region shows the star-formation taking place around the gamma-ray burst region in the galaxy ESO 184-G82.
At the exact position of the gamma-ray burst (marked with lines on the lower right image) a very compact source of emission is seen. Most of this emission is probably the last remnant of the fading light from the supernova itself, but the scientists suspect that a faint underlying star cluster may contribute as well.
Last Update: 1 September 2019