An example of an image created with ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator

Date: 08 July 2004
Depicts: NGC 5979
Copyright: ESA, ESO and NASA
This previously unreleased colour image of the planetary nebula NGC 5979 was combined from raw FITS files with the ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator. In the top row the raw greyscale images are seen. Four individual exposures were combined to form this colour image and the colour filters for the individual exposures are indicated. The number refers to the colour, or wavelength, of light that the filter allows through. This is measured in nanometres (a millionth of a millimetre). The N's and W's in the filter name refer to whether the filter is a narrow-band (N) or a wide-band filter (W). The second row shows the individual exposures after a colorising layer has been applied in Photoshop.