The core of the massive compact star cluster in NGC 3603
Date: 02 June 2010
Satellite: Hubble Space Telescope
Depicts: NGC 3603 Young Cluster
Copyright: NASA, ESA and Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA), Boyke Rochau (MPIA) and Andrea Stolte (University of Cologne)
Show in archive: true
The core of the star cluster in NGC 3603 is shown in great detail in an image from the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) camera on the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. The image is a colour composite of observations in the WFPC2 filters F555W (blue), F675W (green) and F814W (red). This view shows the second of two images taken ten years apart that were used to detect the motions of individual stars within the cluster for the first time. The field of view is about 20 arcseconds across.
Last Update: 1 September 2019