Appearance of the the Refsdal supernova

Date: 15 December 2015
Satellite: Hubble Space Telescope
Copyright: See below
This image shows the appearances of the Refsdal supernova. The uppermost circle shows the position of the supernova as it could have been seen in 1998. The lowermost circle shows the galaxy which lensed the supernova four time – a discovery made in late 2014. The middle circle shows the latest position of the reappearing supernova in 2015.
NASA, ESA, S. Rodney (John Hopkins University, USA) and the FrontierSN team; T. Treu (University of California Los Angeles, USA), P. Kelly (University of California Berkeley, USA) and the GLASS team; J. Lotz (STScI) and the Frontier Fields team; M. Postman (STScI) and the CLASH team; and Z. Levay (STScI)
Last Update: 1 September 2019