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Announcement of Opportunity for the JUICE Payload

Announcement of Opportunity for the JUICE Payload

26 June 2012

Through this Announcement of Opportunity the European Space Agency (ESA) solicits proposals for the provision of the scientific payload on board the JUICE spacecraft. The deadline for submission of proposals is 15 October 2012, 12:00 CEST (noon).

Direct link to this AO page:

Update - 6 September 2012Proposal submission form now available.

Update - 16 July 2012: Briefing meeting presentations now available (see below).

Update - 11 July 2012: Additional information on the briefing meeting has been added (see below).

JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) was selected in May 2012, by the Science Programme Committee (SPC) as the L1 mission in the Cosmic Vision programme, with a foreseen launch date in 2022. The JUICE spacecraft will provide a thorough investigation of the Jupiter system in all its complexity with emphasis on the three ocean-bearing Galilean satellites, and their potential habitability. JUICE has been tailored to observe all the main components of the Jupiter system and untangle their complex interactions. 

The JUICE spacecraft constitutes the European element of a coordinated program to Jupiter and its icy moons, which also foresees a Russian Ganymede lander, to be operated by Russia in coordination with JUICE. The joint program would allow a complete characterization of Ganymede, above and beyond what could be achieved with either element alone.

This Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for the provision of the scientific payload on board the JUICE spacecraft is open to scientists from the Member States of ESA and other communities with which reciprocity or specific agreements exist (such as USA, Russia, Japan). An agreement has already been established with NASA as a minor payload contributor. An agreement with Russia concerning payload provision for JUICE spacecraft and the Russian Ganymede lander is under discussion.

Furthermore, discussions with Russia on the possible evolution of the joint program profile are on-going. ESA reserves the right to amend or modify the present AO as needed, based on the outcome of such discussions, at any time.

With this AO it is intended to select the Instrument Consortia for the provision of the scientific payload on board the JUICE spacecraft. Instruments that address the JUICE science goals as described in the Assessment Study Report (Yellow Book) and in the Scientific Requirements Document will be given priority, although proposals addressing other science goals are not excluded a priori. The proposals shall include all Consortia elements necessary for the implementation phase, clearly defining tasks and level of commitment.

NOTE: Only Instrument Consortia that will submit a Letter of Intent by 6 July 2012, 12:00 CEST (noon), will be allowed to submit a Proposal.

Briefing Meeting

A briefing meeting intended to clarify technical and/or programmatic issues will be held at ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, on 13 July 2012, from 11:00 to 15:00 hrs (max) in room Newton.
In preparation for this meeting, written questions should be sent by 6 July 2012, addressed to:

Attendance of the briefing meeting: Candidate Principal Investigators (PI)s of the Instrument Consortia shall indicate their intention to attend upon submission of their LOI. Other attendees shall inform ESA of their interest to attend by email:

Additional information (Update - 11 July 2012)
People who have registered for participation will find their badge at the gate (please bring an ID card with you).
Those who want to join via Webex must send an email to if not yet done so. Please note also that the Webex connection will be open by 10:00 am CEST to allow setting up connections in time for the beginning of the meeting that is confirmed for 11:00 am CEST.

Presentations now available (Update - 16 July 2012)
Two presentations given at the briefing meeting are now available for download in pdf format. They can be retreived below and also from the right-hand menu under "see also".

Questions & Answers (L. Colangeli) Download pdf
Technical Questions & Answers (C. Erd) Download pdf


The schedule for the current JUICE scientific payload AO cycle and the JUICE programme is listed in the table below.

Date Event
25 June 2012 Release of AO for scientific instruments onboard the JUICE spacecraft
6 July 2012, 12:00 CEST (noon) Deadline for submission of (binding) Letters of Intent
13 July 2012, 11:00-15:00 (max) CEST Briefing meeting
15 October 2012, 12:00 CEST (noon) Proposals due
October - November 2012 Proposal evaluation
January 2013 SSEWG and SSAC recommendations
February 2013 Preliminary technical KO of instrument Phase A
February 2013 SPC selection
End 2013 Release of an updated set of ESA documents
Mid 2014 Update of Instrument Consortia documents
November 2014 Mission adoption and MLA signature

Proposals Information Package

The Proposal Information Package (PIP) for this AO is available from the "documentation" section in the right-hand menu. The PIP is provided as a zip file and contains, in addition to the AO document [ESA/SRE(2012)4], the following documents:

  • Science Requirements Document (Sci-RD)
  • Model Payload Definition Document (MPDD)
  • Science Management Plan (SMP)
  • JUICE Assessment Study Report (Yellow Book)
  • Experiment Interface Document-Part A (EID-A)
  • Proposal Template
  • Experiment Interface Document-Part B (EID-B) template JUI-EST-XXX-EID-00X
  • Environment specification
  • Planetary Protection Requirements
  • CREMA (Consolidated Report on the Mission Analysis)
  • End-to-end trajectory ephemeris files
  • Tailoring of ECSS-E-ST-20-06C (Charging) for JUICE
  • Technical notes on environment properties and radiation transport simulations
  • JUICE project documentation and configuration management procedure
  • Science Operations Assumptions Document (SOAD)

A summary of the JUICE mission overview, instrument selection procedure and a recapitulation of the investigators' duties and responsibilities can be found in the SMP.

The EID-A defines the technical and programmatic requirements (including management and control procedures), and specifies in detail the interface and planning applicable to the instruments.

Letter of Intent (LOI) submission

Prospective Consortia are required to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) stating their intention to submit a proposal in response to the present AO.

LOI submission deadline: 6 July 2012, 12:00 CEST (noon)

The LOI shall be submitted by the candidate Principal Investigator of the Instrument Consortium in electronic form, in PDF format, using the online submission form that can be accessed below or from the right-hand menu (the form opens in a new window).

LOI Submission Form

The deadline for submissions has passed

Please make sure that your Letter of Intent (LOI) gives the essential information about proposing Consortium, Lead Funding Agency and content of the proposal that will be submitted in answer to the AO.

The LOI should have a maximum length of 2 A4 pages, and minimum font size 11 pt.
NOTE: the final LOI document shall not be locked or protected.

Upon submission of the LOI, the candidate Principle Investigator of the Instrument Consortium, shall also indicate if he/she plans to attend the briefing meeting on 13 July. Other team members who also wish to attend the meeting shall instead inform ESA by email through the dedicated address at

Proposal submission

The proposal shall be submitted by the candidate Principal Investigator of the Instrument Consortium in electronic form using the online submission form that is accessible below and from the right-hand menu (the form opens in a new window).

Proposal Submission Form

The deadline for submissions has passed

Each proposal must consist of the following elements:

 - Cover Letter and Executive summary
 - Part I: Scientific and Technical Plan
 - Part II: Experiment Interface Document (EID-B)
 - Part III: Instrument Engineering Plan
 - Part IV: Product Assurance Plan
 - Part V: Management Plan
 - Part VI: Instrument Financial Plan
With Letters of Endorsement from Lead Funding Agency

In addition up to four Annexes are accepted.

The different Parts of the proposal shall be provided in separate PDF files, and each shall have a cover page. For full details of what each Part shall cover, please refer to the AO document.
NOTE: the final proposal documents shall not be locked or protected.
NOTE: each individual PDF file must be less than 50 MB. The maximum total size of all files combined is 400 MB.

Submission deadline: 15 October 2012, 12:00 CEST (noon)

ESA will confirm by e-mail the reception of the proposal.

Contact with ESA

Requests for further information and clarification should be addressed to:

L. Colangeli
Postbus 299
2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands

Last Update: 1 September 2019
9-Feb-2025 14:38 UT

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