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Science Spacecraft Structure Assembly

Science Spacecraft Structure Assembly

12 March 2007

The extremely stable structure of the Science Module of LISA Pathfinder is being manufactured and assembled in Oerlikon Space AG of Zürich, Switzerland.

This structure is entirely made of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) sandwich panels and shells and has been designed and manufactured to provide high stiffness to the launch loads and very low thermo-elastic deformation during the on orbit science operations. The structure will be delivered to Astrium Ltd. of Stevenage by mid May 2007 to be mated with the Propulsion Model Structure and be submitted to the Static Test.

On the side and radial slabs of the octagonal shape of the Science Spacecraft most of the electronic units will be mounted.

Science Module structure

Central assembly box of the LTP

Inside the central cylinder, to which the Propulsion Module is mated, the LISA Technology Package (LTP) Central Assembly (LCA) box is installed. This box provides the thermal and mechanical enclosure to the Inertial Sensors and Optical Bench.  

Last Update: 1 September 2019
14-Mar-2025 03:55 UT

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