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Science Module Structure Arrives at Astrium UK

Science Module Structure Arrives at Astrium UK

27 June 2007

The Protoflight Model of the Science Module structure built by Oerlikon Space AG has been delivered to Astrium UK at the beginning of June 2007.

Science Module structure

The lightweight, high stiffness and highly thermally stable structure is made of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) with the exception of the mating ring to the Propulsion Module which is made of aluminium alloy.

The structure will provide a stable mounting to LISA Pathfinder's gravitational sensor technology package, limiting deformations at the interface during flight to less than 1×10-8m Hz in the instrument's measurement bandwidth between 1 and 30 mHz.

The structure was shipped from Oerlikon Space AG in Zürich by truck to Astrium UK in Stevenage, where it will be submitted to static load tests prior to the integration of flight equipment in the next coming months.

Science Module structure being prepared for shipment at Oerlikon Space AG in Zürich

Science Module structure container at Astrium UK Stevenage

Last Update: 1 September 2019
14-Mar-2025 04:13 UT

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