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Mission Team

Mission Team

LISA Pathfinder Project Manager

César García Marirrodriga
Projects Department,
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk,
The Netherlands


LISA Pathfinder Project Scientist

Paul McNamara
Scientific Support Office,
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk,
The Netherlands


LISA Pathfinder Spacecraft Operations Manager

Ian Harrison
European Space Operations Centre
Darmstadt, Germany


LISA Pathfinder Science and Technology Operations Centre Development Manager

Damien Texier
European Space Astronomy Centre
Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain


LISA Pathfinder Science Team

Karsten Danzmann, AEI, Hannover, Germany
Charles Dunn, NASA
Oliver Jennrich, ESA
Philippe Jetzer, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Eric Plagnol, APC, Paris, France
Martijn Smit, SRON, The Netherlands
Carlos Sopuerta, IEEC, Barcelona, Spain
Ira Thorpe, NASA
Stefano Vitale, University of Trento, Italy
Harry Ward, University of Glasgow, Scotland


LISA Technology Package Principal Investigators

Principal Investigator: Stefano Vitale, University of Trento, Italy
Co-Principal Investigator: Karsten Danzmann, AEI, Hannover, Germany


LISA Technology Package Co-Investigators

Inertial Sensor:
Inertial Sensor Subsystem (ISS): Stefano Vitale, University of Trento, Italy
Inertial Sensor Front End Electronics (ISS FEE): Domenico Giardini, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
UV Lamp Unit (ULU): Tim Sumner, Imperial College London, UK
Inertial Sensor Special Check-Out Equipment (ISS SCOE): Martijn Smit, SRON, Netherlands

Optical Metrology:
Laser Modulator (LM): Antoine Petiteau, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, France
Optical Metrology Subsystem (OMS): Karsten Danzmann, AEI, Hannover, Germany
Optical Bench Interferometer (OBI): Harry Ward, University of Glasgow, UK
Phase Meter Assembly (PMA): Mike Cruise, University of Birmingham, UK
Data Management Unit (DMU): Carlos Sopuerta, IEEC, Spain
Data Diagnostic Subsystem (DDS): Carlos Sopuerta, IEEC, Spain

Last Update: 1 September 2019
25-Mar-2025 23:19 UT

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