Inertial Sensor Head during Y-axis vibration testing

Date: 11 December 2013
Satellite: LISA Pathfinder
Depicts: Inertial Sensor Head on shaker
Copyright: ESA - H. Rozemeijer
LISA Pathfinder Inertial Sensor Head (ISH) engineering qualification model during Y-axis vibration testing carried out by CGS in Milan, Italy. An electrodynamic shaker is used to excite the item under test.
The ISH passed a series of mechanical tests demonstrating that it can retain its alignment during the launch of the spacecraft, when it is subjected to extreme acoustic and mechanical vibrations. In addition, tests showed that the Caging and Venting Mechanism, and the Grabbing, Positioning and Release Mechanism in the ISH are able to re-grab and re-release the test mass if necessary. The picture shows the unconventional titanium vacuum enclosure.
Last Update: 1 September 2019