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Research Professorship in Space Astrophysics

Research Professorship in Space Astrophysics

18 November 2003



Deadline for application: January 15, 2004 at noon

The Danish Space Research Institute (DSRI) and the Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics (NBIfAFG) announces the availability of a joint research professorship in space astrophysics. The position, which will be open from April 1, 2004, is temporary for 5 years.

Applicants must be a highly recognized international scientist in one or more fields of contemporary astrophysics with special emphasis on utilization and interpretation of observations from space. The successful candidate is expected to carry out a broad and internationally competitive research program based primarily on ESA and/or NASA facilities, which will both reflect personal research interests and will be related to other astrophysics research at the institutes. As a specific part of her/his activities, the successful candidate is expected to take a leading role in Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation studies based on the ESA Planck mission, in which DSRI and NBIfAFG are presently involved.

Scientific leadership is vital, including research management and encouragement of scientific development. The position involves participation in university teaching, primarily at the PhD level. Strong interest in teaching, supervision of postdoctoral fellows and PhD students, and bringing the field to the attention of the general public is important.
In accordance with the Ministerial Circular on Job Structure, appointment to the research professor position requires documented scientific production at an international level as well as research leadership experience. For further reference please consult the present Ministerial Circular on Job Structure.

Terms of appointment and salary are set by agreement between the Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations of Academics in the State). In addition to salary based on seniority, the successful applicant will receive an annual pensionable supplement of about 44.000 DKK.

The applications must be in English and must include:

  • Research plan
  • Curriculum vitae
  • A complete list of publications indicating a maximum of 10 papers of particular interest
  • 3 copies of each of the selected papers. In case of publications with more than one author, a statement regarding the applicant's contribution shall be provided
  • Documentation for teaching experience and other qualifications

The applications will be evaluated by an assessment committee. The assessment committee may require supplementary documentation. Applicants may be summoned for an interview and/or trial lecture.

Any potential applicant is invited to apply irrespective of age, sex, race, religion or ethnic background.

Details on the research activities of DSRI and NBIfAFG may be found at the institutes' homepages under the related links. Further inquiries about research plans, facilities, and staffs should be directed to the Director of DSRI (see below. Email

The application (original plus 3 copies, all with enclosures and selected papers) must be send to Director Eigil Friis Christensen, DSRI, Juliane Maries Vej 30, DK-2100, Copenhagen Ø, Denmark.

The deadline for application is January 15, 2004 at noon. Material received after this time will not be considered. Applications submitted by email will not be accepted.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
14-Mar-2025 06:04 UT

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