Symmetries and Phases in the Universe
Start date: 24 Jun 2008
Address: Kloster Irsee, Irsee, Germany
To bring together the astrophysics and the particle/nuclear physics communities to face the fundamental challenges of modern cosmology this symposium will present international top-level experts providing insights into the current status in their respective fields. Selected researchers will join the meeting for interdisciplinary discussions.
- Lars Bergström (Stockholm, Sweden): Dark matter: candidates and detection methods
- Pierre Binétruy (Paris, France): Brane inflation
- Peter Braun-Munzinger (GSI, Germany): Ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions and the QCD phase diagram
- Wilfried Buchmüller (DESY, Germany): Baryogenesis and dark matter
- Daniel Denegri (CERN Switzerland): Getting ready for the LHC
- Alvaro de Rujula (CERN Switzerland): The threat of dark science
- Gino Isidori (LNF Frascati, Italy): The breaking of CP and flavor symmetries
- Rocky Kolb (Chicago, USA): Prospects for understanding dark energy
- Manfred Lindner (MPIK Heidelberg, Germany): Neutrinos as probe of new physics
- Angela Olinto (Chicago, USA): The origin of the highest energy particles
- Keith Olive (Minnesota, USA): Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: status of concordance
- Bernard Schutz (AEI Potsdam, Germany): Gravitational wave cosmology
- Joe Silk (Oxford, UK): The evolution of structure in the Universe
- George Smoot (LBL Berkeley, USA): The Cosmic Microwave Background
- Wolfram Weise (TU Munich, Germany): Phases of QCD
Last Update: 1 September 2019