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Eighth Call for PROBA2 Guest Investigator Program

Eighth Call for PROBA2 Guest Investigator Program

5 July 2017

The Royal Observatory of Belgium invites research proposals from potential Guest Investigators for the analysis of data from PROBA2's two solar observation instruments, SWAP and LYRA. Early-career post-docs and PhD students are particularly invited to apply, although proposals from more senior Guest Investigators are also encouraged. Proposals in response to this Call must be received by 24 September 2017, 23:59 CEST (21:59 UTC).

Full details of this Call are at the PROBA2 Science Center website

Around five Guest Investigators or teams will be selected to visit the PROBA2 Science Center at the Royal Observatory of Belgium, in Brussels, between September 2017 and May 2018. Here they will spend time with the Principal Investigator's teams to obtain expert knowledge on the instruments, to participate in the daily commanding of the SWAP and LYRA instruments according to the needs of their proposal, and to conduct their research. The ultimate goal for every Guest Investigator is to publish a paper in a peer-reviewed journal.

During the selection process, special consideration will be given to early-career scientists and PhD students, collaborative research teams with members from more than one research institute, to proposals that are closely aligned with the research topics below, and to proposals that appear likely to lead to publications.

SWAP and LYRA are particularly well-suited to several areas of study, and proposals addressing these issues are especially encouraged:

  • Solar irradiance studies and the influence on the Earth
  • Studies of the evolution of the corona and solar irradiance over the course of the solar cycle
  • Flares, eruptions and their related phenomena
  • Studies of the middle corona
  • Auroral perturbations

Note, however, that proposals covering all topics will be welcomed, in particular new and innovative areas of study. Proposals should be sent in PDF format to Proposals must be received by 24 September 2017, 23:59 CEST.

Full details of this Call, including the required contents of the proposal, are at the PROBA2 Science Center website.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
7-Feb-2025 15:17 UT

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