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Yearly reporting for all PRODEX countries (except Austria)

Yearly reporting for all PRODEX countries (except Austria)

3 December 2009

Every Project Responsible who has a PRODEX Experiment Arrangement running with the ESA/PRODEX Office covering (part of) the year 2009, should according to the rules of the PRODEX Programme and in line with the original task description of the contract, deliver a yearly report to the ESA/PRODEX Office.

The deadline for submission of the 2009 yearly reports is
29 January 2010, except for Belgium it is 22 January 2010.

The report is to be sent by email to Mrs Véronique Dowson and in CC to your Delegation.

Points to remember:

  1. This report does not replace the deliverables already defined in your contract.
  2. The report should clearly refer to the tasks identified in the institute contract and should not be a collection of publications made. A List of Publications shall be added as Annex.
  3. No financial information shall be provided.
  4. Groups working a combined project, but having separate institute contracts, need to submit a report per contract. The project lead should address a particular section on the various group interactions and overall management.
  5. Large equipment bought either through the PRODEX Office or directly by the institute should be identified in the report.

The report should not exceed 30 pages.

Véronique Dowson, PRODEX Programme Controller
Phone: +31 71 565 3243

Last Update: 1 September 2019
15-Jan-2025 01:43 UT

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