ESA Science & Technology - News Archive
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There will be 7 instruments on board Venus Express, and PRODEX contribution in Belgium is SPICAV, instrument developed by the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy.
Published: 6 September 2005
Published: 26 August 2005
The next issue of the SPC agreed annual calls for support to nationally led projects, including projects of non-Member States.
Published: 22 August 2005
On 9 August 1975 ESA's first scientific satellite, Cos-B, was launched. Cos-B was ESA's first foray into producing a spacecraft with a single payload: a high-energy gamma-ray telescope. The mission was a remarkable success and returned the first detailed observations of gamma-ray emission from within our galaxy.
Published: 17 August 2005
Published: 16 August 2005
A number of interesting papers have recently been published based on data gathered by INTEGRAL - ESA's gamma-ray observatory. They cover a range of observations covering all the capabilities of the spacecraft.
Published: 16 August 2005
Published: 11 August 2005
A publication in the Annales Geophysicae reports on the first ever measurement of the current density in the ring current region using data from the Cluster spacecraft.
Published: 28 July 2005
The 16 July 2005 marks the 5th anniversary of the launch of the first two Cluster satellites from Baikonur. It also coincides with the end of two months of successful manoeuvres in space for the four spacecraft of the Cluster mission.
Published: 14 July 2005
The OMC onboard INTEGRAL was triggered via the INTEGRAL Burst Alert System last week in an attempt to view the optical counterpart to a Gamma-ray Burst. Unfortunately the star alpha Crucis got in the way.
Published: 8 July 2005
The Science Payloads and Advanced Concepts Office recently published an assessment phase report on the Solar Orbiter mission.
Published: 29 June 2005
Five months after its successful descent onto Titan, scientists analyzing data from the various instruments have begun to publish a wide range of results.
Published: 17 June 2005
Published: 17 June 2005
The development of the Gaia 1.5 giga-pixel detector plane began last week with the signing of a contract between ESA and e2v Technologies.
Published: 13 June 2005
Bertaux et al. report in the science journal Nature that SPICAM observations of the Martian nightside limb have found the first evidence of auroral activity in the Martian atmosphere
Published: 10 June 2005
Published: 9 June 2005
Already during the Lunar commissioning phase SMART-1's payload is gathering results, among which the first ever remote detection of calcium on the Moon.
Published: 8 June 2005
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