ESA Science & Technology - News Archive
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In follow-up observations of the dust shell surrounding the unusual nova-like star V838 Monocerotis, the ACS instrument on board Hubble has revealed previously unseen detailed structures in the illuminated shroud.
Published: 4 March 2004
Published: 27 February 2004
Published: 24 February 2004
Towards the end of last year a key milestone was reached for the Herschel mission - the completion of the silicon carbide primary mirror blank.
Published: 18 February 2004
Published: 17 February 2004
A team of astronomers from around the world has found the most distant known galaxy in the universe. The galaxy, observed through the technique of graviational lensing is 13 billion light-years away.
Published: 15 February 2004
The highly successful Ulysses mission, with the aim of studying the high-latitude heliosphere, has been extended for a further four years. The decision was made at a meeting of ESA's Science Programme Committee in Paris.
Published: 12 February 2004
A Coronal Mass Ejection has caused a chance encounter of the Ulysses spacecraft with the ion tail of one and possibly two comets.
Published: 9 February 2004
Published: 5 February 2004
The bubble-like structures seen in this HST image of the nearby dwarf galaxy NGC 1596, reveal the impact of vigorous star birth activity on the interstellar medium.
Published: 3 February 2004
Observations made with the HST reveal oxygen and carbon are present in the extended upper atmosphere of the extrasolar planet HD209458b.
Published: 2 February 2004
Over the next few weeks, scientists on the joint ESA-NASA Ulysses mission will be turning their attention away from the Sun, and looking at Jupiter. In early February, Ulysses will approach the giant planet for a second time - 12 years after their first encounter.
Published: 29 January 2004
Mars Express has returned its first high resolution image of the surface of Mars - the giant canyon system Valles Marineris.
Published: 19 January 2004
Published: 12 January 2004
From 26 December 2003 to 7 January 2004 the SOHO spacecraft went through a period known as a "Keyhole". For SOHO, now into its ninth year of operations, this is a relatively new event, and a direct result of the difficulties experienced with the High Gain Antenna (HGA) during the summer of 2003.
Published: 9 January 2004
The Mars Express spacecraft has not detected a signal from the Beagle 2 lander. The lander touched down on Christmas Day and a two week search has yet to find any sign that the lander is alive.
Published: 7 January 2004
A joint team of astronomers from Europe and the University of Hawaii has for the first time observed a stellar 'survivor' to emerge from a double star system involving an exploded supernova.
Published: 7 January 2004
Published: 6 January 2004
The Hubble Space Telescope has provided the last astronomical images of 2003 with investigations into distant clusters of galaxies.
Published: 31 December 2003
On 29th December the Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA) successfully launched TC-1, the first of two scientific satellites known as Double Star on a Long March 2C launcher.
Published: 29 December 2003
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