Science Results

Science Results

Simultaneous observations by multiple satellites and ground-based instruments have allowed for the generation mechanism of waves related to the creation of killer electrons in Earth's magnetosphere to be verified
Published: 26 July 2007
Reported in a recent Nature Physics article, Cluster has made the first ever observation in space of a null-null line linking two magnetic reconnection sites, providing a new 3D view on reconnection processes in Earth's magnetosphere
Published: 29 June 2007
The gamma-ray emission lines from the beta-decay of the radioactive isotope 60Fe in our Galaxy have been unambiguously detected by the SPI instrument on board INTEGRAL
Published: 25 June 2007
Reported in Science, Cassini observations reveal a hitherto unnoticed process chain for the formation of large organic aerosols in the upper atmosphere of Saturn's largest moon, Titan.
Published: 11 May 2007
Published recently in the Geophysical Research Letters, observations made with the four Cluster spacecraft have provided the first in-situ evidence of the reformation of the Earth's bowshock, showing its variable nature
Published: 11 May 2007
CoRoT started its first science observation period on 3 February 2007 and has already returned data with a quality that is exceeding pre-launch expectations. Among the early results is the mission's first detection of an extrasolar planet
Published: 3 May 2007
Cluster has gathered unique multi-point observations of the physical parameters at the heart of a substorm in Earth's magnetotail, allowing for verification of existing models. These events are responsible for dynamic aurorae displays on Earth
Published: 12 April 2007
The Cluster spacecraft have provided evidence of magnetic reconnection in turbulent space plasma, which up to now was only theorised to occur at these small scales.
Published: 26 March 2007
In-situ observations by the four Cluster spacecraft have provided unique information on the details of magnetic reconnection in space that was hitherto not observed at these small scales.
Published: 12 March 2007
At 02:57 UT 25 February, mission controllers at ESOC, ESA's Space Operations Centre in Germany, confirmed Rosetta's successful swingby of Mars.
Published: 25 February 2007
With the Sun currently close to a minimum in its 11-year cycle of activity, Ulysses has detected remarkably energetic outbursts during the mission's third pass over the Sun's south polar region.
Published: 19 February 2007
The Cluster spacecraft have made in-situ observations of the difference between two mechanisms that both produce aurorae by accelerating electrons in electrical circuits directly above the visible light arcs
Published: 9 February 2007
Newly released results, obtained by the RADAR instrument on board Cassini during a close flyby of Titan in July 2006, provide the strongest evidence yet for the existence of hydrocarbon lakes on the large moon.
Published: 5 January 2007
The MARSIS instrument on board Mars Express has found evidence of ancient buried basins in the Martian northern lowlands. The discovery provides important constraints on the geological history of the Martian crust.
Published: 14 December 2006
Observations made during the recent flyby of Titan, on 25 October 2006, by the Cassini spacecraft, have revealed a massive mountain range on Saturn's largest moon.
Published: 13 December 2006
A team of scientists led by Katariina Nykyri revealed in a recent publication the presence of magnetic reconnection within giant ~40 000 km sized plasma swirls, that allows solar wind material to penetrate the Earth's magnetopause.
Published: 6 December 2006
More than 80 scientists from Europe and the US gathered in Oxnard, California, at the beginning of November to pore over the latest results from the Heliospheric Network, the international fleet of spacecraft studying the Sun and heliosphere, and to discuss its future.
Published: 15 November 2006
The instruments on board the Cassini spacecraft have observed an enormous storm raging in the atmosphere above Saturn's south pole. This type and scale of storm has never before been seen on another planet.
Published: 14 November 2006
Recent studies of data obtained by ESA's four Cluster spacecraft and the NASA IMAGE mission, have proven the Earth's outer plasmasphere to be very complex and highly dynamic in nature on both small and large scales.
Published: 13 November 2006
The polar caps on Mars consist chiefly of CO2 and exhibit seasonal variations in their coverage. Observations by the OMEGA instrument are challenging current theories on the nature of one particular region of the southern polar cap known as the cryptic region.
Published: 27 October 2006
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