Status report archive

Status report archive

Report for Period 5 April to 11 April 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and payload performed nominally during the reporting period.
Published: 15 April 2009
Report for Period 29 March to 4 April 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and payload performed nominally during the reporting period. Taking advantage of the high telemetry bit rates (228 and 182 kbps), this week had a high level of science data production.
Published: 8 April 2009
Report for Period 21 March to 3 April 2009The reporting period covers the last two weeks of active cruise phase before the start of passive cruise phase 6 on 2 April 2009. The spacecraft is now in Near Sun Hibernation Mode (NSHM) and will remain in this passive cruise configuration until beginning of September. Spacecraft and ground segment...
Published: 6 April 2009
Report for Period 22 March to 28 march 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and payload performed nominally during the reporting period. Taking advantage of the high telemetry bit rate (228 kbps), this week had a high level of science data production.
Published: 1 April 2009
Report for Period 14 February to 20 March 2009The reporting period covers five weeks of active cruise phase characterised by several activities both on the spacecraft and the payload side.
Published: 27 March 2009
Report for Period 15 March to 21 march 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and payload performed nominally during this week.
Published: 26 March 2009
Report for Period 8 March to 14 march 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and payload performed nominally during this week.
Published: 18 March 2009
Report for Period 1 March to 7 March 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and payload performed nominally during this week.
Published: 12 March 2009
Report for Period 22 February to 28 February 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and payload performed nominally during this week.
Published: 3 March 2009
Report for Period 15 February to 21 February 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and payload performed nominally during this week. The third VIRTIS cooler test took place on 19 February and the results are currently being analyzed by the VIRTIS PI Team.
Published: 25 February 2009
Report for Period 8 February to 14 february 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and payload performed nominally during this week. The commissioning of the B branch of the Reaction Control Subsystem (RCS) on 12 February 2009 has been successful.
Published: 18 February 2009
Report for Period 17 January to 13 February 2009The reporting period covers four weeks of active cruise phase characterised by platform and payload check-out activities. Spacecraft and ground segment performance during the reporting period have been nominal.
Published: 17 February 2009
Report for Period 1 February to 7 February 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and payload performed nominally during this week, with VIRTIS continued being operated in visual channels only.
Published: 12 February 2009
Report for Period 25 January to 31 January 2009Nominal operations were conducted during the reporting period. Sunday, 25 January, was the last day of this inbound quadrature phase. Having been in a tilted configuration since 19 December 2008, the spacecraft started performing communication passes in a non-tilted configuration again on 26 January.
Published: 5 February 2009
Mission StatusMuch effort was needed in preparation for the 2008 eclipse season which, once again, was almost coincident with Mars being furthest from the Sun; making it an operationally very challenging period for the Mars Express mission.
Published: 2 February 2009
Mission OperationsThe tilt of Cluster 3 (45° with respect to Cluster 4) has been successfully performed in May 2008. This allowed the 3D electric field to be measured for the first time by combining both spacecraft measurements. Preliminary results show the successful measurement of parallel electric fields in the auroral zone. The tilt also...
Published: 2 February 2009
Mission StatusThe spacecraft status is nominal, with the High Gain Antenna (HGA) Z-axis in a fixed position. All SOHO instruments are nominal and science operations are progressing smoothly.
Published: 2 February 2009
Mission StatusFollowing a full recovery from its 6th Emergency Sun Acquisition Mode on 6-7 October 2008, XMM-Newton operations continue smoothly with the spacecraft, instruments and ground segment all performing nominally.
Published: 2 February 2009
Mission Status On 14 January 2008, during the mission's third north polar pass, the spacecraft reached maximum northern latitude on its third solar orbit. Around the same time the X-band transmitter onboard the spacecraft failed after its power supply could not be switched on again following what was planned to be a temporary switch off. This...
Published: 2 February 2009
Mission StatusOperations continue nominally with the spacecraft, instruments and ground segment all performing nominally. Mission operations are currently funded until end December 2012.
Published: 2 February 2009
15-Feb-2025 15:59 UT

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