Status report archive

Status report archive

The 9th Huygens Probe Checkout was executed as planned on 14 April 2002.
Published: 18 April 2002
ESA's Huygens probe came through its 8th in-flight check-out on 20 September with flying colours. Signals sent from the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft when it was almost 1 billion kilometres from home indicated that all is well with the probe's sensitive systems.
Published: 24 September 2001
Seventh in-flight checkout report; 22-23 March 2001
Published: 26 March 2001
The 6th Huygens in-flight checkout was executed on Friday 28 July from 16:00 UT to 20:00 UT. The Huygens activities were carried out while Cassini was in view of the Goldstone Deep Space Antenna. The Huygens telemetry data was routed via the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, to the Huygens Probe Operations Centre (HPOC) at ESOC,...
Published: 29 July 2000
The Huygens S-band Probe Relay test was successfully completed during the night of 4 to 5 February. The test started on 4 February at 21:45 UTC and finished on 5 February at 05:15 UTC.
Published: 9 February 2000
The preliminary analysis of the data of the fifth checkout which was executed during the night of 2 February has been successfully completed. The Probe was switched on at 22:00 UTC on 2 February and switched off at 01.38 UTC on 3 February in direct visibility with NASA's DSN station in Goldstone, California.
Published: 4 February 2000
The fifth in-flight Huygens checkout was successfully completed during the night of 2 to 3 February. The Probe was switched on at 23:00 UTC on 2 February and switched off at 02:50 UTC on 3 February. The data came down with a 25 min delay due to the propagation time of the radio signal from Cassini/Huygens to the Earth. The telemetry data were...
Published: 3 February 2000
The 5th Huygens Probe in-flight checkout and other Huygens test activities take place 2-5 February. The checkout will be activated tonight at 23:00 CET and lasts for 4 hours.
Published: 2 February 2000
The fourth check-out of ESA's Huygens Probe began on 14 September 1999 at 23:02 UTC and was completed on 15 September at 02:49 UTC. Everything went according to plan - both the Probe subsystems and the six payload instruments performed very well.
Published: 15 September 1999
The third inflight checkout of the Huygens Probe was successfully completed over the Christmas period. All systems and experiments performed as expected. Huygens can now sleep on for the next 8.5 months, until its next wake up call in mid-September 1999. Checking of the Cassini's spacecraft continues throughout the month of January.
Published: 12 January 1999
The Huygens Probe's Automatic Gain Control (AGC) signal level measured during the two in-orbit checkouts (F1 and F2) was observed to be depressed compared to the pre-flight values and also to be strongly modulated with the variation of the HGA pointing at the Sun. It was suspected that the AGC drop was caused by solar radio noise.
Published: 16 July 1998
14-Jan-2025 00:28 UT

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