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Solar encounter: the first Solar Orbiter workshop

Solar encounter: the first Solar Orbiter workshop

23 January 2001

The Solar Orbiter was selected three months ago as an ESA F-mission for the time frame 2008 - 2013. It is now up to the solar/heliospheric community to exploit this excellent opportunity to the full. To that effect, the first Solar Orbiter workshop is now being organised.

The meeting will take place on 14-18 May, 2001, in Santa Cruz, Tenerife, Spain.

The prime objectives of the Solar Orbiter workshop are to

  • inform the community about the science opportunities of the Solar Orbiter mission,
  • provide a forum for sharpening and focusing the science goals,
  • allow the hardware groups and future instrument proposers to review critically the strawman payload,
  • establish international contacts and collaborations.

The Solar Orbiter workshop is sponsored by ESA and supported by the other space agencies. It is also an opportunity for the space agencies to discuss inter-agency collaboration.

It is intended to have a healthy mix of invited tutorial/review talks and contributed talks/posters. Ample time will be allocated for splinter group discussions.

The members of the Scientific Organising Committee (SOC) are:

E. Antonucci, P. Bochsler, J.-L. Bougeret, P. Cargill, M. Carlsson, M. Coradini, B. Fleck, R. Harrison, E. Marsch (Chair), R. Marsden, V. Martinez-Pillet, E. Priest, R. Schwenn, P. Tondello, J.-C. Vial.

A full 1-week workshop is envisaged. The "Instituto de Astrophísica de Canarias" (IAC) in Tenerife is organising the meeting and provides the required infra-structure. All necessary information on travel, accommodation, registration, abstract deadlines, can be found on the the Solar Orbiter workshop web site. The local organisation team is led by V. Martinez-Pillet.

The active members of the European and world-wide solar/heliospheric science community are encouraged to attend the Solar Orbiter workshop and to engage in this fascinating and challenging project.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
14-Mar-2025 06:40 UT

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