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The assessment study of the Solar Orbiter has addressed all mission areas, from the scientific requirements to the payload complement, the space and ground segments, and the respective technology readiness, including all corresponding programmatic aspects.
Published: 17 January 2006
The Payload Definition Document (PDD) has been reissued as version 4.1.
Published: 26 August 2005
The Science Payloads and Advanced Concepts Office recently published an assessment phase report on the Solar Orbiter mission.
Published: 29 June 2005
The Solar Orbiter project is now well into the Assessment Phase. Work on development of possible mission scenarios and payload definition is currently being undertaken by various ESA bodies and industrial partners.
Published: 14 June 2004
Call for Letters of Interest
Published: 31 October 2001
The launch date of Solar Orbiter, ESA's next mission to study the Sun, should be no later than 2010. This was one of the key messages to emerge from the first Solar Orbiter workshop which was held in Tenerife last month.
Published: 26 June 2001
The Solar Orbiter was selected three months ago as an ESA F-mission for the time frame 2008 - 2013. It is now up to the solar/heliospheric community to exploit this excellent opportunity to the full. To that effect, the first Solar Orbiter workshop is now being organised.
Published: 23 January 2001
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