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This report describes the updated baseline of the internal assessment study that was performed with the assistance of the ESTEC Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) in June and July 2008. The main goals of the CDF study were:
  • to assess the feasibility of the proposed mission
  • to prepare for the future competitive industrial assessment studies by identifying critical issues that need addressing at higher priority
  • to provide the building blocks and feed-back for further interaction with the science team for formulation of feasible mission goals.

To this end, the CDF study established bottom-up designs for three elements: a montgolfière, a long-lived lander (powered by an ASRG), and a minimum sized small lander of limited lifetime (powered by battery).

This report describes the design of the chosen baseline after the first technical iteration and incuding an updated mission profile providing enhanced mass capability of the delivery of the in situ elements, after the addition of a solar electric propulsion stage of the NASA orbiter.

This report is the result of an independent ESA internal assessment study.

Published: 12 February 2009
Prepared by:
Joint Titan Saturn System Mission Science Definition Team,
ESA Study Team,
NASA Study Team

The Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM) is a joint endeavour by ESA and NASA.

This Joint Summary Report (JSR) is intended to provide a high level description of the science rationale and goals; the mission concept; the NASA and ESA responsibilities and interdependencies; the role of other space agencies; and the costs, schedule and management approach. It also describes the membership and roles of the JSDT and the engineering study teams that supported them and a guide to the extensive documentation that has been developed for the mission concept.

Published: 19 January 2009
ESA's report to the 37th COSPAR meeting (13-20 July 2008) covers the missions of the Science Programme of ESA. This section contains the report on the Cosmic Vision candidate, TandEM.
Published: 02 April 2008
29-Mar-2025 04:02 UT

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