Solar Wind Disturbance Computer Simulation

Date: 14 November 2006
Satellite: Heliospheric Network
Computer simulation of a solar wind disturbance triggered by a solar storm as it moves through the heliosphere past members of the Heliospheric Network.
Plotted is the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), with the curved blue (red) lines showing the IMF toward (away) sectors for 6 November 2003. The Sun is at the origin of the X axis. The radius extends to 10 AU. The small black dot at ~320° indicates the location of Earth and the ACE spacecraft. The directions of Voyager 1 (at 93 AU, 172.2° heliographic longitude, +34° heliographic latitude) and Voyager 2 (at 73.2 AU, 215.3° heliographic longitude, -25.2° heliographic latitude) are indicated with arrows.
From: Intriligator, D.S. et al. [2005], From the Sun to the outer heliosphere: Modeling and analyses of the interplanetary propagation of the October/November (Halloween) 2003 solar events, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A09S10, doi:10.1029/2004JA010939.