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Pre-launch Sequence

Pre-launch Sequence

6 November 2005

After the completion of the activities of 5 November, the first day on the launch pad, the spacecraft was switched-off, and only a small "baby-sitting" team remained in the bunker over night to be able to cover any contingency situations.

6 November started with the arrival of the countdown team at the Venus Express bunker next to the launch pad at 10:00 (04:00 UTC) in the morning. Preparations of all bunker EGSE were performed, and the final switch-on of the Spacecraft was done at 12:00 (06:00UTC) - this means that from now on until lift-off the spacecraft will not be switched-off.

Launcher on the launch pad with the support arms and access platforms.

Launch pad area seen from top of the launcher.

In the course of the day the pre-launch sequence was executed, which already includes a large part of the configuration work to be done to achieve full launch readiness, for example: setting of unit-internal switches/relays; uploading of software patches; or adjusting of the spacecraft telemetry bit-rate to be used for LEOP (Low Earth Operations Phase).

Looking up at the launcher on the launch pad.

In parallel with the activities of the past days the flight control team at ESOC has been performing "listen-in tests" to verify that the ground equipment at ESOC is capable to receive Spacecraft life telemetry via the data links that have been established between the bunker in Baikonur and the MOC (Mission Operations Centre) at ESOC. Through these links the flight control team at ESOC will be following the final preparations of the Spacecraft during tomorrow's launch dress rehearsal as well as during the actual launch countdown, before they finally take over control of the Spacecraft after its separation from the Fregat upper stage.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
28-Mar-2025 06:00 UT

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