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No. 79 - Entry into Quadrature

No. 79 - Entry into Quadrature

Report for period 13 May to 19 May 2007The Entry in the Quadrature phase with fake ephemeris has been successful. The temperatures of all subsystems are also within limits. In order to perform science during this phase, a 17 hour cooling is required before any S/C communication. This has forced the missing of some of the passes at Cebreros. Not having sufficient passes to uplink all the commands, Venus Express is using, for the first time, the option of "delayed TC files" to store and call the commands on-board at a specific time.

During this reporting period only three passes were taken and the table below shows a chronology of the main activities for each pass:

MET (Day) Date DOY VPER# Main Activity
552 14/05/07 134 388 Routine Mission Operations
554 16/05/07 136 390 Routine Mission Operations
556 18/05/07 138 392 Routine Mission Operations

At the end of the last Cebreros pass in the reporting period (DOY 138, 18:00z) Venus Express was orbiting Venus at 132 million km from the Earth. The one-way signal travel time was 441 seconds.

Payload Activities

The instrument was regularly operated as part of the routine plan.

The instrument was regularly operated as part of the routine plan.

This instrument is OFF and was not operated.

The instrument was operated as part of the routine plan.

Occultation observations were performed over NNO on 2007-134, 2007-136 and 2007-138.

The instrument was regularly operated as part of the routine plan.

The instrument was regularly operated as part of the routine plan.

Ground Facilities

During the reporting period Venus Express has been supported by passes with Cebreros every second day.

Future Milestones

Swap from HGA 1 to HGA 2 will be performed on DoY 159.
The quadrature phase operations will extend up to mid June 2007 (DoY 167).

Last Update: 1 September 2019
13-Mar-2025 17:43 UT

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