Reconstruction of the motion of Venus's polar atmosphere

Date: 07 April 2011
Satellite: Venus Express
Depicts: South Pole of Venus
Copyright: ESA/VIRTIS-VenusX/INAF-IASF/LESIA-Obs. Paris/Univ. Lisbon/Univ. Evora (D. Luz, Univ. Lisbon & D. Berry, Univ. Evora)
This animation is a reconstruction of the motion of the polar atmosphere of Venus, created by taking 3.8 micron radiance maps of the polar region, obtained during May 2007, and applying a shift (a rotation and translation) to the image based on the measured wind speeds.
The cross marks the South Pole and the white circle marks the centre of rotation of the polar atmospheric vortex. The outer edge of the figure is the latitude circle of 75 degrees.
Last Update: 1 September 2019