Status report archive

Status report archive

Report for Period 21 May to 27 May 2006All activities of the second week of the final commissioning phase have been executed asplanned without any major problem.The performance of the space and the ground segment has been nominal with minor problemsnot affecting the mission operations.
Published: 31 May 2006
Report for period 14 May to 20 May 2006The reporting period is the first period during which all operations have been executed according to the planning inputs received from the Science Operations Center. All observations have been executed as scheduled without any problem.
Published: 23 May 2006
Report for period 05 May to 13 May 2006 On 6 May 2006 at 13:30 Venus Express executed the last orbital manoeuvre to reach itsoperational orbit as planned at the pericenter passage 12 hours later. The achieved orbit is veryclose to the target reference orbit and is going to be maintained throughout the mission.
Published: 15 May 2006
Report for period 28 April to 04 May 2006 With two orbit control manoeuvres (ALM#4 and ALM#5) executed in the reporting period theapocentere lowering phase of the orbit insertion has been successfully completed. ThePericentre Control Manoeuvre #2, to be executed in the next reporting period, will conclude theorbit insertion phase.
Published: 5 May 2006
Report for period 21 April to 27 April 2006In the reporting period two apocentre lowering manoeuvres have been executed as part of the orbit insertion phase, which is proceeding as scheduled. These manoeuvres have been interleaved with payload commissioning activities involving most of the instruments.
Published: 2 May 2006
Report for period 14 April - 20 April 2006The 9-days capture orbit has been successfully completed with the first of five Apocentre Lowering Manoeuvres on DoY 110 at about 08:00 UTC (200 ms-1). This manoeuvre has set the spacecraft onto an orbit with a period of about 40 hours and an apocenter altitude of 99 000 km.
Published: 24 April 2006
Report for period 7 April to 13 April 2006After 5 months of cruise phase Venus Express has been inserted into a Venus orbit on 11 April (DoY 101) at about 08:00 UTC with a successful burn of its Main Engine which has slowed down the spacecraft such that it could be captured by the gravity of the planet.
Published: 19 April 2006
Report for period 31 March to 06 April 2006 The Venus approach phase is proceeding according to plan with all activities conducted successfully. The last week has been dedicated to the spacecraft preparation for the capture burn to take place on 11 April. The fuel and oxidiser tanks have been pressurised and the helium tank is being warmed-up...
Published: 7 April 2006
Report for period 24 March to 30 March 2006The Venus approach phase is proceeding according to plan with all activities conducted successfully.
Published: 3 April 2006
Report for period 17 March to 23 March 2006The Venus approach phase is proceeding according to schedule with all planned activities conducted successfully.
Published: 27 March 2006
Report for period 10 March to 16 March 2006 The reporting period has marked the start of the final Venus approach phase. All activites will now focus on the navigation and preparation for the Venus Orbit Insertion operations.
Published: 21 March 2006
Report for period 03 March to 09 March 2006With the reporting period all calibration, science and maintenance activities of the instruments have been completed and focus is now on the Venus approach phase. These included the last MAG and ASPERA science acquisitions and a USO drift test.
Published: 13 March 2006
Report for Period 24 February to 02 March 2006On 24 February a Trajectory Correction Manoeuvre was executed in order to trimthe spacecraft trajectory after the Main Engine calibration manoeuvre. The manoeuvreexecuted flawlessly but the current knowledge of the orbit indicates that it is very likely thatanother fine tuning will be required once...
Published: 6 March 2006
Report for Period 17 February to 23 February 2006After the successful calibration test of the Main Engine flight activities have focused onpayloads check-out activities. The ground segment and industrial teams are busy with theprocessing of the data acquired during the Main Engine test and are preparing the trimmanoeuvre that shall put the...
Published: 24 February 2006
Report for Period 10 February to 16 February 2006The reporting period has been dedicated to the Main Engine calibration activity, which wassuccessfully conducted in the night between the 16 and 17 February. According to thefirst telemetry data the burn (3 seconds duration) was nominal and detailed calibration data willnow be analysed by the...
Published: 17 February 2006
Report for Period 03 February to 09 February 2006Operations during the reporting period have been moved again over the New Norcia station andspacecraft activities has focused on further TTC tests, characterisation of STRs acquisitionperformance, and Radio Science activities.
Published: 13 February 2006
Report for Period 27 January - 02 February 2006During the reporting period the Thermal Characterization Scenario with Sun illumination of the cryo face (-X) and the Main Engine face (+Z) has been completed. The MAG instrument hasbeen switched ON, the Star Tracker Stray Light Test has been performed, and a TM bit rate test with the Cebreros...
Published: 6 February 2006
Report for Period 20 January - 26 January 2006During the reporting period the last part of the payloads pointing scenario has been completedand the in-flight thermal characterisation has started. During this characterisation all cold facesof the spacecraft are exposed to a certain time to the Sun in order to fully validate the thermalmodel. This...
Published: 30 January 2006
Report for Period 13 January - 19 January 2006 During the reporting period the spacecraft control has been switched back to the Cebrerosantenna. The period has been characterised by the second payload pointing campaign whichwill finish in the next reporting period.
Published: 24 January 2006
Report for Period 06 January - 12 January 2006During the reporting period the spacecraft has been monitored using the New Norcia antenna. The spacecraft has passed through a period of quasi inferior conjunction without any observable effects.
Published: 16 January 2006
14-Feb-2025 14:20 UT

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