ESA Science & Technology - Status Report Archive
Status report archive
Status report archive
Report for Period 16 December 2005 - 05 January 2006During the reporting period the spacecraft has been configured for a passive cruise phase andthe only activities conducted on top of the routine ones are the DDOR tests with ESA (NNO-CEB)and DSN (GDS-CAN) stations.
Published: 9 January 2006
Report for Period 09 December to 15 December 2005During the reporting period the last activities of the Near Earth Commissioning have beencompleted according to the plan. Two slots with the New Norcia ground station have beendedicated to test the performance of the TTC subsystem and of the Ultra Stable Oscillator(USO) for the radio science...
Published: 20 December 2005
Report for Period 02 December to 08 December 2005During the reporting period all the activities for the Near Earth Commissioning of theinstruments have been conducted according to the plan. The multi-instrument pointing scenarioactivities have been successfully concluded and the PFS instrument has been switched on forthe first time.
Published: 12 December 2005
Report for Period 25 November to 01 December 2005During the reporting period all the activities for the Near Earth Commissioning of theinstruments have been conducted according to plan. The SPICAV instrument has beensuccessfully switched ON for the first time.
Published: 5 December 2005
Report for period 18 November to 24 November 2005During the reporting period all the activities for the Near Earth Commissioning of theinstruments have been conducted according to plan. The MAG, VMC and VIRTIS instruments have all been activated for the first time.
Published: 28 November 2005
Report for period 11 November 2005 to 17 November 2005During the reporting period all the activities foreseen for the Near Earth Commissioning of theplatform have been conducted according to plan. The remaining testing activities on theplatform side will take place in January (thermal characterization) and in February (mainengine calibration).
Published: 23 November 2005
Report for period 10 November 15:30 to 11 November 12:30 UTC.The Venus Express Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP) activities again continued to run very smoothly. All foreseen activities were completed and it was also possible to bring forward some platform commissioning activities, which were planned for the coming weekend.
Published: 11 November 2005
Report for period 9 November 15:30 to 10 November 15:30 UTC.Both the Venus Express spacecraft and ground segment continue to perform excellently. The highlight of this period was the successful planning and testing of the Trajectory Correction Manoeuvre (TCM-0).
Published: 10 November 2005
Report for period 9 November 2005, 03:33 - 15:30 UTCThe Venus Express spacecraft has been succesfully launched, solar panels deployed and is now in Nominal Mode. So far all systems are performing as expected and the first commands have been uplinked from mission control. By 18:00 UTC on 9 November the spacecraft will already be 140 000 km from...
Published: 9 November 2005
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