Status report archive

Status report archive

Report for Period 6 April to 12 April 2008Routine operations continued nominally as planned.
Published: 15 April 2008
Report for Period 30 March to 5 April 2008Routine operations continued nominally as planned.
Published: 8 April 2008
Report for Period 23 March to 29 March 2008Routine operations continued nominally as planned.
Published: 2 April 2008
Report for Period 16 March to 22 March 2008Routine operations continued nominally as planned.
Published: 25 March 2008
Report for Period 9 March to 15 March 2008Routine operations continued nominally as planned.
Published: 18 March 2008
Mission StatusActivities relating to the exit from the quadrature period were successfully concluded. VIRTIS operations were resumed on 4 November 2007. Data from the first measurements show the situation on the cryo-cooler motor current to slowly improve again. The scientific data are of the same quality as before.
Published: 18 March 2008
Report for Period 2 March to 8 March 2008Routine operations continued nominally as planned.
Published: 12 March 2008
Report for Period 24 February to 1 March 2008Routine operations continued nominally as planned.
Published: 4 March 2008
Report for Period 17 February to 23 February 2008Routine operations continued nominally as planned.
Published: 27 February 2008
Report for Period 10 February to 16 February 2008Routine activities were carried out during the reporting period apart from a brief entry into safe mode.
Published: 19 February 2008
Report for Period 03 February to 09 February 2008Routine activities were carried out during the reporting period apart from a brief entry into safe mode.
Published: 12 February 2008
Report for Period 27 January to 02 February 2008Routine activities were carried out during the reporting period apart from a brief entry into safe mode.
Published: 5 February 2008
Report for Period 20 January to 26 January 2008Routine activities were carried out during the reporting period.
Published: 29 January 2008
Report for Period 13 January to 19 January 2008Routine activities were carried out during the reporting period.
Published: 22 January 2008
Report for Period 06 January to 12 January 2008Routine activities were carried out during the reporting period.
Published: 15 January 2008
Report for Period 30 December 2007 to 05 January 2008Routine activities were carried out during the reporting period.
Published: 8 January 2008
Report for Period 23 December to 29 December 2007It took several days to download the VIRTIS data stored onboard the spacecraft after the problems at Cebreros reported in the previous week.
Published: 2 January 2008
Report for Period 16 December to 22 December 2007The activities during this week cover routine operations. In addition, heavy snow fall in Cebreros caused some problems with data download. The data was eventually downloaded in the subsequent days.
Published: 27 December 2007
Report for Period 09 December to 15 December 2007The activities during this week cover routine operations
Published: 18 December 2007
Report for Period 18 November to 24 November 2007The activities during this week cover routine operations, skipping passes for cooling purposes and the end of the Quadrature Phase on 23 November. VIRTIS operations have continued during the period.
Published: 12 December 2007
27-Jul-2024 00:25 UT

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