Status report archive

Status report archive

Report for Period 02 December to 08 December 2007The activities during this week cover routine operations
Published: 11 December 2007
Report for Period 25 November to 01 December 2007 Routine mission operations were carried out during the reporting period.
Published: 4 December 2007
Report for Period 11 November to 17 November 2007The activities during this week cover routine operations in Quadrature. These operations are severely constrained due to the special thermal restrictions that apply during Quadrature phase. VIRTIS operations were resumed in this period.
Published: 28 November 2007
An anomaly in the solar array drive circuitry, already known on Mars Express, was detected on Venus Express for the first time on 23 August 2007. Within 24 hours the error happened twice. This resulted in a three day stop of all science operations. It was decided to implement the Mars Express patch to solve the problem. Following the trigger of...
Published: 19 November 2007
Report for the Period 4 November to 10 November 2007The activities during this week cover routine operations in Quadrature. These operations areseverely constrained due to the special thermal restrictions that apply during Quadrature phase.VIRTIS operations were resumed in this period.
Published: 13 November 2007
Report for the Period 28 October to 3 November 2007The activities during this week cover routine operations in Quadrature. These operations are severely constrained due to the special thermal restrictions that apply during Quadrature phase.The swap from HGA2 to HGA1 was also carried out this week.
Published: 7 November 2007
Report for the Period 21 October to 27 October 2007Following last week's entry in Quadrature phase, the activities during this week cover routine operations in Quadrature. These operations are severely constrained due to the special thermal restrictions that apply during Quadrature phase.
Published: 29 October 2007
Report for Period 14 October to 20 October 2007The Main activity during this week has been the entrance in Quadrature on the 19 October 2007. The procedure was fully automated as part of the routine plan following the experience of the previous quadrature. The fake ephemeris was again applied in GSP before the AOS inCebreros.
Published: 24 October 2007
Report for Period 7 October to 13 October 2007Routine observations took place during this reporting period.
Published: 18 October 2007
Report for Period 30 September to 6 October 2007Routine observations took place during this reporting period.
Published: 11 October 2007
Report for Period 23 September to 29 September 2007Routine observations took place during this reporting period.
Published: 2 October 2007
Report for Period 16 September to 22 September 2007Routine observations took place during this reporting period.
Published: 25 September 2007
Report for Period 9 September to 15 September 2007Routine observations took place during this reporting period.
Published: 19 September 2007
Report for Period 2 September to 8 September 2007Routine observations took place during this reporting period.
Published: 11 September 2007
Report for Period 26 August to 1 September 2007Routine observations took place during this reporting period.
Published: 4 September 2007
Report for Period 19 August to 25 August 2007Routine observations took place during this reporting period, occurring as planned except forVIRTIS operations. Three occurrences of a solar array pointing anomaly were seen over DOY235/236, the last two leading to one of the SA motors being declared failed.
Published: 29 August 2007
Report for Period 12 August to 18 August 2007Routine observations took place during this reporting period, occurring as planned except for VIRTIS operations. The VIRTIS movie had to be stopped due to an unexplained anomaly of the H-cooling motor current the triggered an OOL. The M unit is not affected by the anomaly as is expected to resume...
Published: 22 August 2007
Report for Period 05 August to 11 August 2007Routine observations took place during this reporting period, occurring as planned. The spacecraftis nearing its closest approach to Earth, and the reduced distance allowed to sustain the highestTM Bit Rate with HGA2 (228 kbps).
Published: 15 August 2007
Report for Period 29 July to 04 August 2007 Routine observations took place during this reporting period, occurring as planned.On DOY 211 ASPERA suffered a failure to boot-up, and a complete science observation failed asa result.
Published: 6 August 2007
Report for Period 22 July to 29 July 2007Routine observations took place during this reporting period, occurring as planned. A second IMP calibration exercise was run between 28 and 29 July with good results. Further processing by Flight Dynamics is on-going.
Published: 2 August 2007
26-Jul-2024 23:39 UT

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