The Cluster antenna VIL-1 (rear view)
Date: 18 April 2000
Satellite: Cluster
Depicts: Ground Station
Copyright: ESA
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There are more than half a dozen large dish antennae installed at VILSPA. One of these is
the VIL-1 antenna, a 15 metre diameter dish which operates in the S-band radio frequency
(1.8 - 2.7 GHz). This antenna has been modernised recently in order to support the
forthcoming Cluster II mission. As a result, VILSPA now has two fully upgraded 15 metre
S-band antennae, which should enable the facility to enter the new millennium confident in
its ability to support future space programmes.
Modernisation of VIL-1 included the replacement of the 60 dish panels, the subreflector, the
antenna equipment room and other parts of the main structure. One of the most significant
modifications has been the replacement of the Servo and tracking systems, since the
Cluster II satellites will move in a highly elliptical orbit and require high speed tracking.
Last Update: 1 September 2019