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Ismenius Lacus Region

Ismenius Lacus Region

Date: 13 February 2006
Satellite: Mars Express
Copyright: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA IGO 3.0

Image created by ESA Science from data contained in the Mars Express public archive. The selected colour scheme is an interpretation based on the original raw data.

A portion of the Ismenius Lacus region on the surface of Mars (USGS MC-5 quadrangle). The image represents a transitional region on the surface separating the heavily cratered highlands in the south part and the smooth plains in the north. The dissected terrain contains a series of mesas (isolated high plateau) and buttes (a small flat topped hill).

Image Details
Orbit Number


Image capture start 2004-12-25 T 00:42:09.79 Z
Image capture stop 2004-12-25 T 00:45:47.81 Z
Corners at
Top Left: 23.34° +47.54°
Top Right: 25.25° +47.60°
Lower Left: 24.31° +33.36°
Lower Right: 25.59° +33.38°
Image Size

77 x 845 x 63 x 845 km

Source reference file


Max. resolution of original

12.1 m per pixel

Max. resolution of processed file

~100 m per pixel

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO License. Creative Commons License

Last Update: 1 September 2019
14-Oct-2024 18:39 UT

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