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Be an INTEGRAL astronomer: Frequently asked questions

Be an INTEGRAL astronomer: Frequently asked questions

A list of frequently asked questions is currently being complied, please check this page again for further updates.


I finish secondary school in July but I won't be starting University until after the closing date of the competition (14 August 2009). Am I still eligible to participate in the competition and if so, in which category should I enter?


If you are in this situation you are eligible to enter the competition and should register in the 'Secondary School Students' category.


Do we have to send two A4 pages for each task or in total? If my report exceeds the required numbers of pages stated but is less than 10MB is that ok?


Your entire report, describing how you have performed all four tasks and presenting your conclusions, should be no longer than two sides of A4 in total. Meaning that, when printed, the entire report answering all tasks, including figures occupies no more than 2 double-sides of A4 or 4 single-sides of A4.


Last Update: 1 September 2019
4-Mar-2025 00:50 UT

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