Education resources
ESA Education Office [web site]
The ESA Education Office provides resources for Primary to Higher Education, including, support materials such as CD-ROMs, DVDs, web-based activities, printed and on-line fact sheets, and brochures. For Higher Education there is information about hands-on student projects and careers in space. Materials covers the entire spectrum of ESA activities and link to a broad range of subjects including science, technology, geography and history.
European Space Education Resource Office [web site]
The European Space Education Resource Offices (ESERO) provide a direct link between ESA and the education community and aim to provide information, material and activities geared towards science, engineering and space exploration. ESA has pursued a Member-State-by-Member-State approach, which allows this kind of educational support to be delivered while effectively dealing with different languages and unique education systems.
ESA Science and Technology Education Support Pages [web site]
The resources on the following pages relate exclusively to astronomy and the solar system and have been developed with the support of individuals working in the ESA Directorate of Science and Robotic Exploration.
ESA Kids [web site]
Designed specifically for younger children these pages offer online activities and downloadable resources. They also include information about a variety of space topics, and space news.
ESA Exhibitions [web site]
Visit these pages to download general posters, slideshows and movies related to ESA missions.
ESA Publications [web site]
The ESA Bulletin, issued four times a year, is ESA's flagship magazine. Each issue carries a number of articles dealing with topic in science and engineering. The content is most suited to the space-interested public.
The SOHO classroom [web site]
This web site contains a variety of information about the Sun, along with activities and lesson plans that use real data from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Download posters, activities, lesson plans and PowerPoint presentations for all levels of students, also includes an 'Ask an Expert' area.
Space Observatories in School [web site]
Space Observatories in School is a project developed in the UK to produce innovative ICT based resources which will allow science and maths teachers to use the Hubble Space Telescope and the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory to enrich the teaching of curriculum science and mathematics at school. Teacher and student resources are available at the web site.
ESA/NASA Hubble Space Telescope Education support [web site]
Use real data from the ESA/NASA Hubble Space Telescope to produce your own beautiful astronomical images in the classroom. This site also contains news, information, images and movies.