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100 Hours of Astronomy

100 Hours of Astronomy

100 Hours of Astronomy is a cornerstone project of the International Year of Astronomy taking place from 2-5 April 2009. It will be a worldwide event consisting of a wide range of public outreach activities, including research observatory webcasts and sidewalk astronomy events. ESA will participate in the 24-hour live webcast - a unique event that will provide a lasting snapshot of life at different observatories and research institutes.

100 Hours of Astronomy: 2-5 April 2009

24-hour live webcast

On 3 April 2009, as part of the 100 Hours of Astronomy, a 24-hour live webcast will take place during which astronomers at observatories and research institutes around the world will talk about what they are doing at that time, what they are observing, what they hope to learn and what it is like at their observatory/institute. The webcast will provide a unique snapshot in time of life at an observatory. During the 24-hour period viewers will visit observatories across the world and meet astronomers who are studying objects as diverse as galaxies, exoplanets, and interstellar matter. These observatories support ground- and space-based telescopes covering the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The webcast will be coordinated by the European Southern Observatory.

ESA's participation in 100 Hours of Astronomy

European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)

ESA will participate in the 24-hour live webcast by featuring some of the science operations centres at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Spain. In addition to providing a rare insight into the operations of space-based astronomical observatories, a unique astronomical image from one of the observatories - obtained especially to mark the International Year of Astronomy - will be revealed.


Last Update: 1 September 2019