Members of the BOOSTEC and Astrium team with the Gaia torus

Date: 22 July 2009
Satellite: Gaia
Depicts: The Gaia torus
Location: BOOSTEC premises at Bazet near Tarbes, France
Copyright: ESA
Pictured above are members of the BOOSTEC and Astrium team just after the torus removal from the brazing furnace.
The 3-metre diameter, quasi-octagonal torus, which will support the two Gaia telescopes and the focal plane assembly, is composed of 17 individual custom-built Silicon Carbide segments, all of which were constructed by BOOSTEC under contract to the Gaia prime contractor EADS Astrium.
Starting on 28 April 2009 the 17 custom-built elements were assembled and aligned into the form of the torus. The torus brazing took place from 24 – 29 June 2009. Following the successful completion of the brazing the torus will be delivered to EADS Astrium in Toulouse for assembly with the service module.