Han Li
Biography & lecturer abstract
Lecture: Ice-related morphological features on Mars
Morphological studies based on images taken by Mars orbiters as early as the Vikings have suggested that underground ice may exist extensively in martian mid-to-high latitudes of both hemispheres. Examples of ice-related morphological features include lobate debris aprons (LDAs), concentric crater fill, lineated valley fill, and viscous flow features. Subsurface radar sounding data collected by SHARAD (the Shallow Subsurface Radar) on MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) strongly suggest the existence of large quantities of water ice in the formation and evolution of LDAs in the eastern Hellas region and at Deuteronilus Mensae in the Northern hemisphere dichotomy boundary. The morphological distribution of LDAs on Mars as well as theories regarding the role of ice in their evolution, will be addressed during this talk.