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Second Mars Advanced School in China - programme

Second Mars Advanced School in China - programme

Programme for the Second Mars Advanced School in ChinaWeihai, Shandong Province12-22 September 2011


Day 0: Sunday 11 September 2011
Evening Briefing for European lecturers Agustin Chicarro
Day 1: Monday 12 September 2011

Mars School opening ceremony
Introduction of all lecturers

Guoping Li (CNSA Deputy Director General)
Agustin Chicarro


Overview of the Yinghuo-1 Mars mission
China's science programme
ESA’s science programme

Ji Wu
Ji Wu
Agustin Chicarro


Shandong University research activities
Visit of Shandong University Observatory

 Lidong Xia
Day 2: Tuesday 13 September 2011
Morning Mars Interior-1: Interior structure and composition
Mars Interior-2: Mantle dynamics and chemical evolution
Doris Breuer
Doris Breuer
Afternoon Mars Geology-1: Geologic endogenic processes
Mars Geology-2: Geologic exogenic processes
Damien Loizeau
Damien Loizeau
Evening Gravity measurements with Yinghuo-1 in equatorial orbit Cheng-Li Huang
Day 3: Wednesday 14 September 2011
Morning Mars Interior-3: Magnetism and magnetic field generation
Mars Interior-4: Convection and the link to magmatism
Doris Breuer
Doris Breuer
Afternoon Mars Geology-3: Impact cratering on terrestrial planets
Mars Geology-4: Searching for landing sites on Mars

Damien Loizeau
Damien Loizeau

Day 4: Thursday 15 September 2011
Morning Mineralogy-1: Principles of spectroscopy
Mineralogy-2: Mineralogy and Mars evolution
Patrick Pinet
Patrick Pinet
Afternoon Astrobiology-1: Planet habitability and origins of life
Astrobiology-2: Extremophiles and the search for life
Frances Westall
Frances Westall
Evening Geological treasures of East Asia Agustin Chicarro
Day 5: Friday 16 September 2011
Morning Mineralogy-3: Planetary regolith
Mineralogy-4: Optical properties and surface changes
Patrick Pinet
Patrick Pinet
Afternoon Astrobiology-3: Evolution of life on Earth
Astrobiology-4: Search for traces of life on Mars
Frances Westall
Frances Westall
Evening Ice-related morphological features on Mars
Field trip photography along the Silk Road
Han Li
Han Li
Day 6: Saturday 17 September 2011
All day Excursion to Liugong Island (All)
Day 7: Sunday 18 September 2011
All day Excursion to Penglai and Yantai (All)
Day 8: Monday 19 September 2011
Morning Instrumentation-1: Space plasma instrumentation
Instrumentation-2: Instrument development
Stas Barabash
Stas Barabash

Magnetic field investigations with YH-1 spacecraft
Martian radio occultation experiments with YH-1

Hua Zhao
Xiong Hu


Martian space plasma measurements with YH-1
Exercises and Practice

Lei Li (given by Hua Zhao)
Day 9: Tuesday 20 September 2011
Morning Instrumentation-3: Planetary landers and atmospheric probes
Instrumentation-4: The Phobos-Grunt mission
Stas Barabash
Stas Barabash
Afternoon ESA's Mars exploration missions
Comparative planetology: Terrestrial planets
Agustin Chicarro
Agustin Chicarro
Evening Visit of School of Space Sciences and Applied Physics (Shandong University at Weihai) (ALL)
Day 10: Wednesday 21 September 2011
Morning Atmosphere-1: Atmospheric structure and dynamics
Atmosphere-2: Atmospheric chemistry and cycles

Eric Chassefière
Eric Chassefière


Afternoon Aeronomy-1: The ionosphere of Mars
Aeronomy-2: The Mars-solar wind interaction
Andrew Coates
Andrew Coates



Space weather effects at Mars
Geology of the Hellas Basin, Mars

Wing-Huen Ip (given by A. Coates)
Li-Ching Huang

Day 11: Thursday 22 September 2011
Morning Atmosphere-3: Climates of Mars and Venus
Atmosphere-4: Methane on Mars

Eric Chassefière
Eric Chassefière


Afternoon Aeronomy-3: Atmospheric escape
Aeronomy-4: Comparative plasma interactions

Andrew Coates

Andrew Coates



Evening Distribution of certificates and Farewell (All)  




Agustin F. Chicarro ESA/ESTEC, Netherlands
Andrew J. Coates UCL-MSSL, Surrey, U.K.
Doris Breuer DLR, Berlin, Germany
Damien Loizeau ESA/ESTEC, Netherlands
Eric Chassefière Univ. Paris XI at Orsay, France
Frances Westall CNRS, Orléans, France
Patrick Pinet CNRS, Toulouse, France
Stas Barabash IRF, Kiruna, Sweden



Ji Wu CSSAR, Beijing, CAS
Lidong Xia Shandong University at Weihai
Cheng-Li Huang SHAO, Shanghai, CAS
Han Li NAOC, Beijing, CAS
Hua Zhao CSSAR, Beijing, CAS
Xiong Hu CSSAR, Beijing, CAS
Lei Li CSSAR, Beijing, CAS
Wing-Huen Ip NCU, Taiwan
Li-Ching Huang NCU, Taiwan



ESA European Space Agency
ESTEC European Space Research and Technology Centre (Netherlands)
DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (Germany)
CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)
UCL-MSSL University College London/Mullard Space Science Laboratory (UK)
IRF Institutet för Rymdfysik (Sweden)
CAS Chinese Academy of Sciences
CSSAR Center for Space Science and Applied Research, CAS, Beijing
SHAO Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Shanghai
NAOC National Astronomical Observatories of China, CAS, Beijing
NCU National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan


Teaching Languages

European lecturers: English
Chinese lecturers: Chinese


Academic issues: Agustin Chicarro (ESA)
Logistical issues: Zhou Yi (CSSAR)

Contrary to Chinese tradition, here we have followed European practice whereby given name comes first then family name for both European and Chinese lecturers.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
4-Mar-2025 03:22 UT

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