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Wing-Huen Ip

Wing-Huen Ip

Biography & lecture abstract

Wing-Huen Ip
Wing-Huen Ip was born in Nanjing, China (1947). He grew up in Macau. After his college education in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, he went to University of California at San Diego (UCSD), for his PhD study in 1974. His doctoral thesis is on the study of small solar system bodies. After three postdoctoral fellowships at UCSD, he went to Germany in 1978 to work at the Max-Planck-Institute for Aeronomy (now MPI for Solar System Research). After 20 years in Europe, he was appointed professor of astronomy and space science at the Institute of Astronomy and Space Science, National Central University (NCU) in Taiwan and served for six years (1998-2004) as dean of science and three years as vice-president (2006-2008). He is also professor at the Space Science Institute, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau. His main research fields are solar system plasma physics, planetary dynamics and planetary exospheres. He has participated in several major planetary missions including Giotto to comet Halley, Galileo to Jupiter, Cassini to Saturn and Titan, Mars Express and Rosetta. Prof. Ip was awarded the Axford Medal by the Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society in 2011. He likes to paint.

Lecture: Space weather effects at Mars
The geomagnetic effects caused by solar storms are important topics in current space physics study. Increasing attention is also being given to similar processes at Mars because of the significant number of spacecraft orbiting around this planet and the enhanced level of in-situ surface exploration by landers, rovers, drones and even possibly field work by astronauts in the future. The scientific investigations are being made more interesting because of the presence of strong remnant crustal magnetic fields in the Southern hemisphere, even though a global magnetic field is lacking at Mars. The existence of many minimagnetospheres and how the ionospheric layers would be shielded by penetrating solar energetic particles and energetic particles produced by local reconnection are fascinating questions to be addressed by new missions to Mars. In this lecture, we will therefore review how the method of space weather forecasting at Earth could be extended to Mars taking advantage of the operations of many spacecraft between the Sun and the orbit of Mars. In addition, we will review possible global and local responses of the martian ionosphere and the mini-magnetospheres to solar flares and coronal mass ejection events.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
3-Mar-2025 22:38 UT

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