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Announcement of Opportunity for an Independent Legacy Scientist in the Euclid Science Team

Announcement of Opportunity for an Independent Legacy Scientist in the Euclid Science Team

15 February 2012

The scientific community is invited to participate in the Euclid mission by responding to the present Announcement of Opportunity (AO). This AO solicits proposals for the appointment of the second Independent Legacy Scientist in the Euclid Science Team. The deadline for submission of proposals is 12 April 2012, 12:00 CET.

Direct link to this AO page:

This AO for an Independent Legacy Scientist (ILS) in the Euclid Science Team (EST) is open to qualified scientists affiliated with institutions within ESA Member States. The selection will be based on the proposer's expertise and the excellence of the proposal, but it will also ensure that the ILS is independent to a substantial degree from the Euclid Mission Consortium. That is, proposers should not be involved in the consortium management (programmatic, scientific, or technical), nor be responsible for hardware or software development and procurement activities.

Euclid is a high-precision survey mission designed to answer fundamental questions on dark energy and dark matter. It is an ESA mission with contributions from ESA Member States and with potential international participation. In October 2011, Euclid was selected by the Science Programme Committee as the second M-class mission in the Cosmic Vision plan 2015-2025, for a launch in the end of 2019.

The present AO follows an equivalent ESA AO issued in July 2010, which led to the appointment of the first ILS in the Euclid Science Team.

ILSs are members of the Euclid Science Team and as such provide support to ESA during all phases of the mission's definition and operations. As a reward they are granted access to a set of the mission's proprietary data for the purpose of the execution of a science project that forms integral part of their proposal.

The schedule for the Euclid ILS AO cycle is:

February 15, 2012 Release of AO for Euclid ILS
April 12, 2012
12:00 CET
Deadline for submission of proposals
April 13 -
May 10, 2012
Proposal evaluation
May 11, 2012 Evaluation results to AWG
May 24-25, 2012 AWG recommendation
June 5-6, 2012 SSAC recommendation
June 2012 Foreseen appointment of the successful proposer


The proposal information package for this AO is available as a single zip file and can be downloaded from the right-hand menu under "Documentation". This zip file includes the following documents:

  • Cover Letter
  • Euclid ILS Announcement of Opportunity (AO)
  • AD-1: Euclid Science Management Plan (SMP)
  • RD-1: Euclid definition study report (Red Book)
  • RD-2: Euclid Science Requirements Document (SciRD)

The Euclid ILS AO document contains the full details of this AO.

Proposal submission

The guidelines and requirements for the contents of the proposal are detailed in the Euclid ILS AO document that is available under "Documentation" in the right-hand menu.

Proposals submitted in response to the AO are limited in length to 11 A4 pages (minimum font size 11 pt). They shall be submitted electronically in PDF format, using the proposal submission form that is accessible through the link below, and in the right-hand menu.

Proposal Submission Form

The deadline for submissions has passed

The maximum file size for the complete proposal is 20 Mb. Proposers will receive confirmation upon successful receipt of their proposals.

Further queries should be addressed to both the Astronomy Missions Coordinator and the Euclid Project Scientist:

Ana M. Heras
Astronomy Missions Coordinator
P.O. Box 299
2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands

René Laureijs
Euclid Project Scientist
P.O. Box 299
2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands

Last Update: 1 September 2019
3-Mar-2025 22:19 UT

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