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Herschel and Planck launch campaign

Herschel and Planck launch campaign

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On 14 May at 13:12:02 UT (15:12:02 CEST) the Herschel and Planck spacecraft lifted off on board an Ariane 5 ECA from the European spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. After the flawless launch the two spacecraft separated and embarked on their individual journeys to L2.

Successful launch, 14 May at 13:12:02 UT
Both spacecraft now on their way to L2

The Herschel-Planck launch campaign is covered by a number of ESA web sites. Links to the latest articles from all of these web sites, along with links to related sites can be found on this page.

Replays of the Ariane launch can be watched on the ESA mogulus channel, and on the Arianespace webcast pages:

ESA channel on

Arianespace webcast

Launch Campaign Web Journals

The events around the two spacecraft as they were prepared for launch, from arrival at Kourou up to the mating with the launcher, are covered in detail in the following journal entries.

All Herschel and Planck launch campaign journals

12/05/2009  Final view of Herschel at Kourou
11/05/2009  Herschel mated with the Ariane 5 ECA launcher
29/04/2009  Planck mated with the Ariane 5 ECA launcher
28/04/2009  Helium for the Herschel cryostat
20/04/2009  Fuelling of the Planck spacecraft
15/04/2009  Herschel spacecraft is fully fuelled
14/04/2009  Planck activities completed in S1B cleanroom
09/04/2009  Herschel spacecraft ready for fuelling
12/03/2009  All Herschel instruments are 'good to go'
11/03/2009  Planck spacecraft check-outs near completion
04/03/2009  Planck spacecraft preparation activities in Kourou
27/02/2009  Herschel spacecraft inspection and final mirror cleaning
23/02/2009  Planck joins Herschel at the European Spaceport in Kourou
20/02/2009  Launch campaign for Planck is now underway
14/02/2009  Herschel arrives in French Guiana
13/02/2009  Herschel departs Europe - launch campaign underway

Quick links to Herschel and Planck launch campaign journals
Herschel latest all entries
Planck latest all entries

ESA Space Science News

14/05/2009  ESA en route to the origins of the Universe
14/05/2009  Herschel and Planck talk to Earth
14/05/2009  Ariane 5 carrying Herschel and Planck lifts off
14/05/2009  ESOC confirms: 'GO' for launch
13/05/2009  Herschel and Planck launcher at launch pad
12/05/2009  Herschel and Planck launcher declared fit for launch
12/05/2009  Fairing lowered over satellites in Kourou
11/05/2009  Herschel and Planck launch timeline
11/05/2009  Herschel and Planck buckled up and ready
07/05/2009  ESA to launch two large observatories to look deep into space and time
28/04/2009  Herschel and Planck to lift off on 14 May
20/04/2009  Herschel and Planck launch postponed
02/04/2009  Herschel and Planck launch update
13/03/2009  Herschel and Planck launch postponed
13/03/2009  Planck launch campaign update
05/03/2009  Herschel spruced up after arrival in Kourou
20/02/2009  Planck follows Herschel to launch site
13/02/2009  Herschel shipped to Europe's Spaceport
09/02/2009  Herschel and Planck ready to move to launch site

See also the special launch website at ESA Space Science, which hosts news around the launch event.

Relevant External Links

  Watch the launch replays on the ESA channel on Mogulus.
  Watch the launch replays on the Arianespace webcast page.
  Learn more about the launch site by following the Arianespace virtual tour of Europe's spaceport at Kourou.
  The SCOOP (Satellite Campaign Organisation, Operations and Processing) pages provide more details about satellite campaigns in Kourou.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
11-Mar-2025 00:52 UT

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