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News archive

The Second International X-ray Observatory (IXO) Science Meeting, held at the Cité Universitaire in Paris, and attended by almost 200 participants, provided a timely opportunity to review the progress that has been made on IXO in a number of areas.
Published: 18 May 2010
Observations with XMM-Newton and Chandra have provided a robust detection of a vast reservoir of intergalactic gas about 400 million light years from Earth.
Published: 11 May 2010
A heavy runaway star is rushing away from a nearby stellar nursery at more than 400 000 kilometres per hour, a speed that would get you to the Moon and back in two hours.
Published: 11 May 2010
New images from ESA's Herschel space observatory reveal high-mass protostars around two ionised regions in our Galaxy. The detection of these rare stars in an early phase of evolution is key to understanding the mysterious formation of massive stars.
Published: 6 May 2010
The discovery of a previously unresolved population of galaxies in the GOODS fields and the first measurements of properties of galaxies in the almost unexplored far-infrared domain are among the first exciting scientific results achieved by Herschel's PACS and SPIRE instruments. These findings confirm the extraordinary capabilities of ESA's new infrared space observatory to investigate the formation and evolution of galaxies.
Published: 6 May 2010
Herschel's HIFI instrument was especially designed to follow the water trail in the Universe over a wide range of scales, from the Solar System out to extragalactic sources. Early results, presented this week at the Herschel First Results Symposium, demonstrate how HIFI uses water to probe the physical and chemical conditions in different regions of the cosmos.
Published: 6 May 2010
The James Webb Space Telescope has passed its most significant mission milestone to date, the Mission Critical Design Review. This signifies that the integrated observatory will meet all science and engineering requirements for its mission.
Published: 3 May 2010
The latest edition of the 2XMM catalogue boasts an additional 42 000 entries, bringing the total to over a quarter of a million X-ray sources. This unprecedented cosmic X-ray library is a valuable resource allowing astronomers to explore the extreme Universe.
Published: 28 April 2010
The processes involved in star formation can be disentangled using the power of multi-frequency observations. New images from Planck reveal the interstellar medium and isolate the physical processes at work in our Galaxy.
Published: 26 April 2010
The most prolific space observatory zooms past a milestone of 20 years of operation.
Published: 23 April 2010
This spectacular Hubble view shows the largest galaxy in a trio of galaxies known as the Leo Triplet. The galaxy has an unusual anatomy, with asymmetric spiral arms and an apparently displaced core.
Published: 8 April 2010
An extensive study of data from the Hubble COSMOS survey and from ground-based observations, has provided a unique 3-D map of dark matter distribution, plus confirmation of the Universe's accelerating expansion
Published: 25 March 2010
New images from ESA's Planck mission reveal details of the structure of the coldest regions in our Galaxy.
Published: 17 March 2010
Dear Colleague,I am very pleased to invite you to respond to the 8th "Announcement of Opportunity" by submitting proposals for observations to be performed with the International Gamma-ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL) satellite.
Published: 15 March 2010
Hubble has imaged the elliptical galaxy ESO 306-17 which is likely an extreme example of galaxy cannibalism, having devoured all its neighbours.
Published: 4 March 2010
This detailed spectrum of the Orion Nebula obtained with the HIFI instrument onboard Herschel demonstrates the gold mine of information that Herschel-HIFI will provide on how organic molecules form in space
Published: 4 March 2010
The JWST sunshield has passed its critical design review, which has validated the sunshield design is complete and meets all the mission requirements. This clears the way for the start of manufacturing of the flight model sunshield.
Published: 3 March 2010
A recent study using data from Hubble shows that, contrary to contemporary thought, more than half of the present-day spiral galaxies had peculiar shapes only 6000 million years ago.
Published: 4 February 2010
Observations of faint and distant galaxy groups made with the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton observatory have been used to probe the evolution of dark matter.
Published: 20 January 2010
The HIFI instrument onboard Herschel has been successfully switched on, after being inactive due to an unexpected anomaly in the electronic system. This achievement brings Herschel back to its full observing capacity.
Published: 18 January 2010
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