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News archive

ESA's Hipparcos mission provided astrometric data on thousands of stars. Thanks to advances in computational processing power it has been possible to revisit the original data and improve the accuracy of the derived catalogue.
Published: 27 September 2007
During the course of the past few months the integration of the Herschel spacecraft has taken place at the Astrium facility in Friedrichshafen, Germany
Published: 19 September 2007
The 2XMM catalogue of X-ray sources, the largest of its kind ever, has now been released. It has been created by the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre (SSC) from data gathered with XMM-Newton's EPIC instrument between February 2000 and March 2007, covering 360 square degrees on the sky.
Published: 7 September 2007
Nine galaxies from the Hubble Ultra Deep Field selected on their spectral properties are found to be among the smallest and most compact galaxies ever observed in the distant Universe at redshifts 4 to 5.8
Published: 6 September 2007
The pulsar PSR J1617-5055 has been identified as the most likely power source for the nearby object HESS J1616-508 that shines bright in the TeV energy range and was discovered early 2004
Published: 9 August 2007
Located 1500 lightyears from Earth, the supernova remnant known as the Veil Nebula spans 3 degrees on the sky. Intricate details of the nebula's morphology and composition are revealed in three new Hubble images taken with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2
Published: 1 August 2007
Detailed study of the nearby dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 4449, using high-resolution data from the Hubble Space Telescope's ACS instrument, is helping to understand galaxy formation in the early Universe
Published: 3 July 2007
The gamma-ray emission lines from the beta-decay of the radioactive isotope 60Fe in our Galaxy have been unambiguously detected by the SPI instrument on board INTEGRAL
Published: 25 June 2007
An overview of the European advance in astronomy and astrophysics that has been made possible by the Hubble Space Telescope was presented at the 41st ESLAB symposium
Published: 18 June 2007
At their 118th meeting, the Science Programme Committee has approved the DPAC proposal submitted in response to the AO for Gaia data processing. The approval marks an important milestone for the Gaia mission
Published: 7 June 2007
The sharpest image ever taken of the large grand design spiral galaxy Messier 81 is being released today. The image, constructed from a series of images taken with NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, is among the largest ever released. Messier 81 is one of the brightest galaxies in the sky.
Published: 28 May 2007
Analysis of observations made with Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys have led to the discovery of an unusual distribution of dark matter in a large cluster of galaxies at intermediate redshift
Published: 15 May 2007
Current understanding of star formation in globular clusters is being challenged by new Hubble results that have led to the discovery of multiple generations of stars in the massive globular cluster NGC2808
Published: 2 May 2007
One of the largest panoramic images ever taken with Hubble's cameras has been released to celebrate the 17th anniversary of the launch and deployment of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.
Published: 24 April 2007
This new Hubble image of barred spiral and Seyfert galaxy NGC 1672, sheds new light on the process of starburst activity and why this process occurs in extreme forms in some galaxies
Published: 3 April 2007
Dear Colleague, I am very pleased to invite you to respond to the 5th Announcement of Opportunity by submitting proposals for observations to be performed with the International Gamma-ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL) satellite or for obtaining data rights to targets within the previously approved Key Programmes.
Published: 12 March 2007
The Hubble Space Telescope, in collaboration with several other ground- and space-based telescopes, has captured a galaxy being ripped apart by a galaxy cluster's gravitational field and harsh environment.
Published: 6 March 2007
The Science Directorate of the European Space Agency has released an Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for membership in the science team of the Gaia mission. The invitation from the Director of Science to respond to this AO is presented here. The AO document and the Science Management Plan can be accessed from the right-hand menu. The deadline for receipt of proposals has now passed.
Published: 1 March 2007
Observations of SN 1987A, made over the past 20 years by Hubble and many other major ground- and space-based telescopes, have significantly changed astronomers' views of how massive stars end their lives
Published: 23 February 2007
This view of planetary nebula NGC 2440 was obtained on 6 February 2007 with the WFPC2 instrument onboard the Hubble Space Telescope using several filters to capture different chemical elements in the expelled gas.
Published: 13 February 2007
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