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The Impact of Hubble on European Astronomy - ESLAB 41

The Impact of Hubble on European Astronomy - ESLAB 41

18 June 2007

Held at ESTEC from 29 May to 1 June 2007, the 41st ESLAB symposium provided an overview of the Hubble Space Telescope's key contributions to all areas of astronomy and astrophysics. In particular, the impact of the Hubble results on European astronomical research was summarised.

Since the launch of Hubble on 24 April 1990, the Space Telescope's instruments have provided invaluable data to advance research in a broad range of topics, from star- and planet formation to (active) galaxies and cosmology. During the seventeen years of operations, European scientist have continuously succeeded in obtaining more than the minimum guaranteed observing time, resulting in a large number of publications in scientific journals.

The 41st ESLAB symposium was spread over four one-day sessions, each covering particular fields of research:


Session 1 -

Stars, star formation, stellar populations and planets

Session 2 -

Nearby galaxies, bulges, spheroids, galaxy formation

Session 3 -

Deep fields, AGN, Black holes, radio galaxies

Session 4 -

HST, H0 and dark energy

    Each session hosted several invited review talks on key topical areas of astronomy and astrophysics, followed by specialised presentations in those areas. A total of seventeen invited review talks were given as listed in this overview. Where available, the presentations can be retrieved in pdf format.

    Tuesday 29 May
    Session 1 - Stars, star formation, stellar populations and planets
    Paul Crowther Hot Massive Stars PDF
    Monica Tosi Formation history of resolved stellar populations PDF
    Claude Nicollier Visiting Hubble in orbit PDF
    Alain Lecavelier Atmospheres and Evaporation of Extrasolar Planets PDF
    Wednesday 30 May
    Session 2 - Nearby galaxies, bulges, spheroids, galaxy formation
    Alvio Renzini Stars and stellar systems PDF
    Annette Ferguson The stellar population of M31 PDF
    Tim de Zeeuw The nature of bulges and spheroids PDF
    Simon Lilly Galaxy Formation and Evolution PDF
    Piero Madau Galaxy formation, halo substructure and reionization PDF
    Thursday 31 May
    Session 3 - Deep fields, AGN, Black holes, radio galaxies
    Robert Fosbury The host galaxy properties of powerful radio sources across cosmic time PDF
    Gunther Hasinger Active Galactic Nuclei PDF
    David Axon Supermassive black holes PDF
    Hans Walter Rix HST's deep imaging surveys: Watching the Universe evolve PDF
    Friday 1 June 2007
    Session 4 - HST, H0 and dark energy
    Michael Hauser HST & JWST, the present and the future PDF
    Marijn Franx Evolution of galaxies from mass selected samples PDF
    Gustav Tammann The Hubble constant
    Adam Riess Universe Expansion

    Last Update: 1 September 2019
    20-Jan-2025 12:46 UT

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